Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

warren vs sanders

…you can’t make this shit up.


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CNN isn’t even national TV. Warren is cancelled

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Liz got ratioed. Man that is bad news for her.

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Yang surge imminent :upside_down_face:

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Guess who voted for Trump’s deal and guess who didn’t.

Hate to see it

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This seems like a good thing. Hope the campaigns are listening.

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I mean if you watched the debate, they literally had an entire segment on this and both stated pretty clearly their reasons for their votes. This isn’t a surprise.

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unstuck voters
BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE but if not maybe Warren because policies

actual voters



I get it now that Warren has put me on monkey tilt with her Bernie is a sexist scheme. I want Bernie to win even though he would be horribad for me, and am at the point where I hate every D other than Bernie more than Trump even though objectively Trump is the nut low. Lol, emotions.


This is why we all had to cauterize those same emotions to be good at poker/decision making. Making decisions based on emotions is the real nut low. Being a creature made of pure id is a lot of what makes Trump Trump.

It was pretty easy for me thankfully. Letting my emotions make choices for me wasn’t really a viable option for me up until extremely recently… (and that’s just because now if I’m 5-10 major fuck ups away from homelessness instead of 0-3)

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So Schumer wouldn’t vote for this, but Warren did?

can’t get it to upload, it’s a trump like map for bernie based on dem candidate searches over the last weekish. also lots of steyer in the places he polls decently, why IA is a mess, etc.

Still shaking my head, there were articles quoting establishment D insiders about going all out, including involving Obama which apparently he said he would do, to “stop” Bernie if he gained momentum.

Then Bernie did gain momentum and THIS happened. Dirty Ds are dirty and rotten to the core.

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You can always directly copy and paste images.