Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Way more people like her than Abrams at this point.

I’ll offer 5:1 that Warren will not be Biden’s VP pick. Up to my $500 if he chooses her for your $100 if he chooses anyone else. Open to any established poster, no escrow, and I’ll take up to 5 bets (different posters, just trying to limit freeroll risk). No bet if Biden is not the nominee. 2020 election only.

Mostly just trying to say this theory that she’s selling out for favors from the Biden campaign is ridiculous garbage and I’ll put up $2500 to stand by it.


I didn’t claim otherwise, merely that Kamala is unpopular. She also just ran a disaster of a presidential campaign where her biggest moment was attacking Biden and basically calling him racist. I’m sure she would love for Biden to pick her as VP, but I am not sure why he would. He seems a lock to pick some bland midwestern senator like Klob

Can we just all agree we will never know her motives and it’s most likely that she doesn’t really understand why she went this direction and is simply clicking buttons.

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No? Like i suspect you’re being sarcastic, but if you meant it this is what actual sexism would look like.

It’s actually more of an insult to the human race. Most of us come up with reasons after the fact.

We all think these politicians are masterminds. Trump supporters swear he is some sort of genius with a master plan. We all know that is not true and he is just clicking buttons.

After watching the shit show last night I have zero confidence that anyone on that stage is a deep thinker.

Maybe I’m wrong

Edit: I’m not sure if this was posted yet.


Photo finish but I have your pony by a nose in the other thread

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Like I said, he would pick her among the other possibilities for demographic reasons. Biden is a white male in a party where most voters are either non white or female. You can minimize her campaign all you want but the fact of the matter is she is only the 2nd or 3rd black women to ever get on the debate stage. Disappointing that even here we seem to be minimizing the structural challenges minority women face in running a national campaign.

Fuck Warren, lol Steyer


Does anyone really believe that Steyer just wanted to come over and say hello to Bernie?

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i believe that a paid political consultant told him during rigorous debate prep session that he should come over and say hi to bernie after because it would be good move politically, sure.


Sweet Christmas.

that was so awkward, actually, yes.



sorry but my entire mood is wat right now

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