Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Are people hyped for the billionaire dude or that depressed about their other second choice options?


Nobody is hyped for a billionaire. We’re just realizing that he might be as close to a progressive as the establishment Democrats will allow… and that’s just because he has enough money to break the tackle.

Let’s not kid ourselves the only reason Steyer was on that stage and Yang wasn’t is that Steyer could buy his way on without worrying about being viable down the stretch if he lit a bunch of money on fire.

Somebody should open up a purse fusillade on her then

Hard not to wonder if they knew that Florida poll was coming


What if it was Bernie who came out and accused Warren of saying something privately like she thought universal healthcare was a pipe dream and that it would never happen in the US. She subsequently denies it.

Same circumstances, only 2 people in the room.

Playing devil’s advocate, would there be a different response from the forum?

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I mean I actively dislike Bernie’s idealism, so I’d be tearing into him pretty good probably. Really good hypothetical by the way. Very similar. Complete with the scummy purity check and everything.

Not really comparable at all, especially since Warren has already changed her M4A stance already?


From the Vox article on the case for Elizabeth Warren:

Warren’s careful navigation of the Medicare-for-all debate has widely been considered a misstep for her campaign, as her admission of the political realities alienated single-payer diehards who don’t want to admit the need for any initial compromises, while her endorsement of Sanders’s underlying bill and her specificity on financing opened her up to attack from the moderates. But what’s actually happening here speaks to Warren’s strengths: She’s developed a more politically realistic proposal and path than what Sanders offered, and a more ambitious and compelling vision than what the moderates have proposed.

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Yeah, this is much a much better example.

For me no. I don’t think Warren would say that so I would assume it was dirty politics.

Warren and her staff basically are just concern trolling the race re:Bernie at this point and it’s pathetic.

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Anecdotal story from the last few weeks. My law partner is a lifetime Dem but has held on to Bernie is too liberal for him and has been a Warren guy for much of the race. Even before this dustup he had switched to Bernie because in his mind he was the only non-sellout. After this fiasco he says he is Bernie or bust.

So there is some chance that this flips some of those Warren but not strongly so over to Bernie as the progressive candidate of choice. At least that’s my silver lining on all this. If Bernie ate even 4-5% out of Warren’s voters he would have a very legitimate chance of winning the nom.

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Came home to a gift from Mrs. Catface today - she knows me very well


Harris is a much better VP choice than Warren. Aside from demographics MA has a republican governor.


It looks like a dem friendly poll for all candidates.

this is wisco. Yikes.

Demographics? Aka she’s a black woman? Sure, which is why his campaign floated Stacey Abrams early on. The issue with Kamala is, no one actually likes her.


White midwesterners spontaneously ejaculate at the thought of blowing up more shit in the Middle East.

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No kink shaming in 2020

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