Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Which is why I said last night that those of us who care about these things shouldn’t watch the debates. Even hate-watching is a win for CNN or whatever network is broadcasting them. They don’t deserve our attention.

Even Morning Joe is defending Bernie here


Bernie gave specific numbers which then allowed Biden to immediately follow up with “those numbers don’t add up.”

The whole point is, the numbers don’t have to “add up” for anything else, and even if you had a perfectly paid-for plan, they would still bash it for being unrealistic because people don’t like tax increases.

A Ruth Buzzi reference in 2020. OK Namath.

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Is this Swalwell hinting about endorsing Warren?

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I also think Warren would be able to skewer him in a debate. Both of those were reasons i was originally on board.

something about that doesn’t smell right

I guess the biggest loser last night was Pete, since it looks like the Biden/Pete hypothetical ticket just became Biden/Warren. I’m not really seeing a path to victory for Bernie now other than complete domination in Iowa/NH leading to a delegate majority before the convention.

(As opposed to previously, where I thought Bernie + Warren could team up as the ticket)

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Warren endorsing and asking her delegates to vote for Biden in the convention would really bring the party together.


The DemE absolutely believes this to be the case.

He’s going to shock everyone and endorse Tulsi.

Nothing Swallwell does could shock everyone

since 99% of people have no idea who the fuck he is




I get a reference to her each week from Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast. Thanks for correcting my misspelling of her name tho!!

Does she appear on it or something? She’s about RBG’s age, a few years younger.

Sanders +6 in Florida cannot be real right?

No his ‘cast is all about Old Hollywood and Golden/Silver ages of TV, so she comes up from time to time especially when they have a guest with some connection to ‘Laugh In’

Also a story was told a while back, I forget by whom, about her showing up at some comic book convention and setting up a table and charging $50(!) for her autograph. And her price was firm lol

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Despite the whole stealing kamala’s voter list thing–best one of the bunch of them last night and not remotely close to me. Everyone else was pretty blah or worse.

After trying to filter out everyone who insisted their candidate won last night, don’t think steyer got much traction out of last night though as they thought he was just bland himself–but I don’t know what casual or normal voters cling onto since I’m none of those. The warren/bernie tiff got a lot talk more on the internet than real americans obviously.

no, but pete being behind the margin of error is hilarious (tied with booker) 2% ahead of delaney/gabbard which is just unreal.

also they had walsh 14% against trump and that’s um, not even close to what I believe in FL.

still anything that’s not “barely lose in FL again” is good