Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Agree, the messaging especially is just astonishing to me. It would be so easy to just say something like “No one ever questions how we will pay for tax cuts to billionaries or subsidies to oil companies destroying the environment, so why is the question only raised when we propose something that helps millions of Americans? Fact of the matter is, under our current system, America spends more money than any other country in the world, yet X million people still lack insurance, and people still go bankrupt even if they have insurance. The system I propose is not some pie-in-the-sky idea, it is similar to the ones being used by our friends and allies around the world. America is the greatest country in the world, so shouldn’t we have the greatest healthcare system? Because right now, we don’t.”

Hell, could even throw in something about how our current system, with employers paying for health insurance as a benefit, is a large reason why actual salaries have not increased, because the money that would have gone to salary increases instead are going to increase healthcare costs, but that might be a little too complicated for people.

Are ppl seriously trying to rehash the “fake Indian” argle-bargle?

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I don’t understand why some people see that as a big deal or a negative for Warren. Other than giving Trump some fodder for a nickname, is it relevant to anything?

The right thing to do for the good of the progressive movement is clearly not what Liz is doing. She is doing what is good for Liz. She always does what she perceives to be good for Liz over what is good for progressivism. It’s why she didn’t run in 2016.

That might be a bit over cynical but I could never see Bernie running with “Liz said a jew could never be president” whether she said it or not. Because he would value another supposedly progressive candidate over the minute chance running with that story gained him 2% in the polls.

And yet (checks predictit) Warren’s current odds are right there with Bloomberg.

Even with some of my angry takes on her I’d still be quite happy if she is the nominee. She is light years better than most in the party.

Well, of course, Bernie is the genuine article and it’s why we love him.

What I think I was trying to say is I’m judging Liz compared to humanity, or even other dems, and not to Bernie.

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, because the proposed response you’ve given here is very close to the exact answer he gave last night. Just drop in a “greed and corruption of the healthcare industry” and I’d have assumed it was a direct quote of Bernie.


People here getting hyped for the billionaire dude is a worrying development.


Might as well go straight to the source. Most of them are already owned by one or more of these guys anyways. Not to mention he is actually bringing a progressive message which is only also true of Bernie at this point.

That was part of Trump’s pitch, too. I’m already rich, no one owns me, etc.

I mean the other choices are pretty bad after you get past Bernie and maybe Warren so I dunno what you want from me. I don’t love Steyer or anything but I’d prefer a candidate who didnt run on the status quo or maybe a little better if we are lucky.

Yeah… I don’t think this forum’s position that somehow we’re going to beat the billionaires is remotely realistic tbh. Our civilizations best case scenario is that the smarter more society oriented billionaires win the day. To be clear that would be Buffett, Gates, Dalio, Steyer, Soros, and yes Bloomberg types. That’s 4 finance guys and a tech guy for anyone keeping track. I really doubt the banks are getting reformed lol.

I mean Ive posted this twice, if that makes me a diehard supporter of him so be it.

I agree Bernie wasn’t great in the debate. I disagree that he can’t win. I’m reminded of a Taibbi piece on the 2016 GOP clown car, I’ll quote more than I need because it was a good piece:

Not one of them can win, but one must. That’s the paradox of the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, fast becoming the signature event in the history of black comedy.

Conventional wisdom says that with the primaries and caucuses rapidly approaching, front-running nuts Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson must soon give way to the “real” candidates. But behind Trump and Carson is just more abyss.

Anyway, bolded is what I remembered. All the frontrunners seem fatally flawed, but one has to win. Sanders’ path to the nomination is clear: win IA, win NH, win NV and generate so much momentum that low-info types just want to vote for the guy who is winning. Chapo were discussing how Kerry in 2004 went down a bit like that.

Warren could win under different circumstances because she’s the second choice of a lot of people, but as things are, nobody wants to give up their first choice. That means Warren will get stomped in the early stages, in particular she’s very likely to come fourth in Iowa, and she’ll be irrelevant by the time like Pete fans decide their guy is toast.


Or repeated blows with her purse like Ruth Buzzy

She basically created the CFPB, for fucks sake. The notion that she’s a complete fraud of a progressive is fucking stupid. People really need to calm the fuck down around here.



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CNN wanted this fake drama and some of y’all are taking the bait.


So did Warren.


It sure didn’t seem fake to Liz last night.