Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Most voters don’t think that deeply.


That Emerson NH poll seems to show ~10% of Sanders supporters (3/26) changing to Klob supporters. Maybe just noise, but there are a lot of Melissas out there.

I belong to this group, it’s pretty great.

When the ‘plummets to first place’ onion article becomes reality

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Fox News running segments about CNN going after Bernie. I definitely agree with everyone who thinks that CNNs antics at the debate are going to backfire. It makes sense because all the other networks are gonna call out CNN because it makes them look good, and then them calling out CNN looks good for Bernie. Expecting Republicans in open primaries to vote for Bernie in record numbers

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Certainly strange bedfellows, but I guess the enemy of my enemy is (temporarily) my friend


eh, that was 16. Their troll votes are Tulsi or Yang this go around.

I mean, he can say that he’s a progressive as much as he wants to, but you really just have to listen to one of his podcasts to see where he really stands lol. But it is nice that he’s broadcasting to his audience that voting gop is bad

The fact that he thinks a $1000 deductible wouldn’t be a real deterrent to a working class family getting healthcare is pretty telling. That’s a huge cost for a lot of people. Hell, a few years ago it would have been a large barrier to my wife (a PhD) and me (a lawyer).

Is that at least a means tested thing? Like if you are low income does the deductible go away?

I always like to point this out when people say the economy is good, but it works here too.

Then why didn’t they do it in the two fucking years they had all 3 branches Joe, you dumbass? I don’t know what’s more disqualifying, the moronic “everybody wants to work together!” bullshit or that he falls for Republicans’ bullshit.


Your cousin is not on the public option. The public option does not currently exist.

Your employer has a say in whether they offer you private health insurance or leave you uninsured and thus free to select a marketplace plan or the public option. (This is of course in a world with a public option in 2022 or something.)

If he wins, the shit eating grin on McConnell’s face when Joe tries to work together on healthcare and drug prices is going to be enough to send me into a fit of rage.

This clown was VPOTUS for 8 years while the GOP said no to everything. He is now watching the Trump presidency in real time. They’re even coming after his son.

And he not only wants to work together he thinks that it’s possible!!!

Healthcare is so fucked in this country a $1000 deductible would be a huge improvement for most people.

You’re correct. I’m also not entirely convinced that a non-single payer public option will actually provide anything better than this either. Remember the people who will end up writing the public option are all too stupid to see how much obviously better single payer is and/or in the pocket of the for profit healthcare industry.

The real reason health care doesn’t get fixed, aside from lobbying, but really even more than lobbying and corporate power, is that the people with the power to fix it have never, ever had to deal with the horror show the majority of people experience.

Remember when the government shutdown instantly ended when air traffic controllers shut down Reagan airport?

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Oh wait, Tucker Carlson says Bernie was treated unfairly?

Oh, now you have my attention.


From what I’ve listened to he supports medicare for all, free college, and calling people who support what we’re doing to immigrants pieces of shit.

The only " right wing " takes he really has is railing against woke PC culture. Which I mean hes a comedian so he gets this a million times more than most people so its kinda understandable even if he’s wrong.

I’d definitely say he’s progressive, especially for someone as rich as him.

Grandpa Joe, everyone.
