Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

You really don’t like Radiohead.

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Only had a caviar spoon handy ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I don’t think policy is the main driver in the results. A lot of it is signaling, using the right code words, and charisma. Also, M4A is like a 50% support among Dems. Registered Dems are like 35-40% of all voters, so that’s 20% (plus maybe 25% support from independents). I personally think we need to pass something, even a public option, that can be converted to M4A over time, but I have no problem with running on M4A as an opening position.


This is just some dumb bullshit from a rando.

Running against the Democratic party is not the way to win the Democratic nomination.


Where is your blue check mark?

I gave it to the Kent State gun lady.

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America’s most watched black independent media on the left


A debate before NV. Another a week later before SC. Then no debate until 27 other primaries/caucuses have happened is insane.


I’m kind and of pooping on the riggage talk, cause I think Bernie lost fair and square. The voice of the people was heard. That said, if you took just voters under 50, it’s a different election. And 15 years from now the entire electorate will look a lot more like the 50 and under voters of today.

That’s assuming we still have elections for head of state at that point

Translation: Stop being so gosh darned left?

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Bernie fairly and squarely lost the fight that he knowingly entered to take on the corruption in our country. Those of us who appreciated what he was doing are still going to be pissed that his colleagues and the media proved themselves to be corrupt in that fight.


Blaming the media is for losers like Trump. I wish voters were near as informed as “The Media” (which is not even a thing).


Saw this posted today:

Dems are pushing another highly flawed candidate on us. The attack ads write themselves and will be effective. This sucks.

Oh, yay. We can maybe revisit the idea of Medicare for All who want it in 2035. Can’t wait.

Of course, it will be struck down 8-1 by the Supreme Court, with the liberal justice (75 year old Elena Kagan) providing the lone dissent.

I mean, I wish Bobby Kennedy won and was not shot. The universe is 14.7 billion years old, written language is like 4000 years old, actual medicine is like 150 years old. I just want to be headed in the right direction on the assumption we’ll get somewhere eventually.

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There’s a classic essay to this point: “On Cooling the Mark Out”

It’s worth reading in its entirety, but the theme is that an essential part of taking away someone’s status is doing so in a way that helps them acclimate themselves to the loss.


“The Media” blasted the message that Bernie was a Communist that was a threat to the American Way of life. Their motives in doing so was the stock market pop we see today. I don’t give a damn whether “the Media” was dispositive in taking out Bernie. Their actions were clear, their motives were clear, and the corrupt intent of those motives were clear.