Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

You are just connecting dots in your head. The world is more random than not.

PS Epstein killed himself.

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Hey look, it’s Trolly with another blisteringly delusional take.

Remember when you said how they should hammer policy and not go negative? And then how Bernie always hammered policy and never went negative? And then how half the people who want m4a voted for Biden because oops it turns out going negative bolsters the positives by contrast?

That was cool.



Tell me, oh wise one, what are the odds that every prominent D would randomly endorse Joe?

Joe Biden won. The Dems are a conservative party. Jesus fucking christ.



  • Rich and old Dems, and people who live in high-rises along the water, going for Bloomer
  • Hispanics, Asian and working class-ish (and default) going for Bern
  • Twin Peaks and Castro (LGBT-heavy) going for Pete,
  • Random young professional-ish areas going for Warren
  • Biden takes only the last majority black neighborhoods left in SF city limits
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They’re all rich by most standards. There are very few working class people living in SF.

:man_shrugging: Either stop being so left, or find a way to make leftism appealing to a winning coalition. It’s not exactly rocket science.

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Bernie’s doubling down that women can’t win the Presidency.

She’s going to endorse Joe.

What if I told you that there was a thoroughly corrupt organization with virtually unlimited resources led by a SF fake progressive that approached every meaningful young person inclined to do exactly as you suggest and told them that they needed to rethink their ideas or else they would do everything in their power to crush them?




There’s still a decent amount.


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Good point, gang up on Bernie the Communist then consolidate around Joe and let him lock up the nomination without ever making him go toe to toe with Bernie.

It’s going to be an interesting vote, which is worse, locking up kids in cages or starting pointless forever wars that killed millions before Trump finally ended the second one?

Great choice our wise leaders stacked the deck for!

I dunno, I guess tell everyone who’s ever compromised with the infinitely powerful evil organization that they’re traitorous pieces of shit, then take the organization on yourself? Seems like your best shot of winning.

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You are right in your implication that our chances aren’t great but seems to me like the only chance of winning…

That’s good news. Although:



Nah, to the extent they support Democrats, they’ll support the guy from Delaware who pushed bankruptcy law though