Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

He also won SC by a huge margin. It’s not like that other stuff happened in a vacuum. My worry is that the larger left learns zero lessons from losing to an old fool with a terrible record who should have no shot. It’s not riggage or Liz Warren being a snake emoji. What Bernie and his supporters are doing isn’t working well enough.


Say what you want about Bernie, but he is a good man that believes that politics should be about putting your best ideas forward and letting the chips fall where they may. Send your thanks to Pete for doing his part to send him to his grave having been proven a naive fool.


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Maybe running against the party whose nomination you’re seeking is a bad strategy?



Would Warren dropping out and endorsing or campaigning as Bernie’s vp have any chance at reviving his campaign?


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You want he should run third party?

I think Biden colluded with Russia to hack the voting machines. That’s how this works when we lose right?

Yes I was about to make a similar point. In hindsight, it’s clear that if in his 2018 Senate run, Bernie announced “after the upset victories of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Ayanna Presley, and other young and diverse progressives across the nation, I believe the Democratic party is headed in a bright new direction, one that I would be proud to be a part of. So I am announcing for the first time I’m running as a Democrat.”

It costs him nothing, and changes the dynamic of the Presidential race entirely. He’s still not going to get the enthusiastic support of establishment figures and media, but it makes him much more tolerable to them. I’m pretty sure “not even a Democrat” played big in SC.

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These new voters may be less informed than caucus voters, and many are probably largely tuned out of politics, but they are the voters needed to win a general election.

Fact is, it looks like Bernie was an illusion of high engagement voters who do not reflect the general electorate. Same with Warren. In the end, elections are popularity contests, and people are into some weird shit.

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Well, it would just replace one losing strategy with a less effective losing strategy.

It’s interesting, having seen the hoaxes that the MSM and Ds perpetrated on Bernie, I can understand the R point of view now. Sorry, but Hunter does belong in jail for accepting soft bribes from a thoroughly corrupt oligarch, don’t care that it is “technically legal.” The Dirty Ds rigged the law to let their failsons accept soft bribes so we should just let it go? No, I hope it is thoroughly investigated and Hunter is exposed for the trash that he is. And if it helps Trump then maybe the Ds should try not being disgustingly corrupt next time.

So, you didn’t stab him with your shrimp fork?

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Would Warren really endorse Bernie though, especially given his losing trajectory?


There’s not a debate before next tuesday?

That’s the real rigged, tilting shit.


Pretty sure almost every opinion poll out there will show you that the establishment Dems are way out of sync with what the public thinks. Look at how the candidates all railed against M4A as some absurd commie dream and then look at public approval of M4A.

Exit polling showed close to half the voters in favor of M4A voted for Biden.