Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Troll the people who think he is a CIA asset by suggesting he would make a great director of national intelligence.

Buttigieg previously ran for DNC chair in 2017. If his priority is structural change, that might be the better role for him than a Cabinet posting.

I wonder what this race would have been like if Pete had been leading the DNC instead of Tom “let me try to yell louder” Perez

Need somebody with photoshop skills to put some candidate heads on here (sorry):

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come on. Pete is a millennial data nerd. The Iowa bullshit never would have happened. The convention rules would be fair and locked in stone. Shit, maybe someone would have convinced Biden to stay out of it.

Made by /u/ irlourpresident


Good faith tweeting

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fuck me.

A good point posted in bad faith is still a good point. The corrupt Dirty Ds care for their own power first and foremost, they basically do everything possible to drive their voters to the Republican siren call of nihilistic rage.

The convention rules are never going to be locked in stone at a contested convention or even one like we had in '16. The rules are decided by a committee of delegates the week before.

Screw you for slandering a bunch of public servants who work hard to make the country a better place.


Um, this was easy to predict, which is why I easily predicted it. In fact you didn’t even have to predict it, the powers that be told us this is what they were going to do and rubbed our faces in it:

Meanwhile, over in Getfuckedistan…

fuuuuuckkkkk youuuuuuuuuu

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Pretty elite screen name, though.


As long as we still have somewhat free and fair elections, we have a shot at fading it until demographics swing in our favor. Once we go full authoritarian it’s a wrap for a long time, I don’t see the rush to let it happen.

What a spectacular amount of babble. I award you the gold rosette.


Damn all that oppo research - nope, not scared at all.

Also you can’t collect unemployment w/o working first.

Lol thanks, this is the levity I needed tonight

Know what I like about this guy’s trolling? The subtlety.

But in the actual American population distribution, there are more high school dropouts than people with master’s degrees. The median American under the age of 30 has $0 in student loan debt, not because the median young person is superrich but because most people didn’t attend expensive higher education institutions in the first place.

(Not trying to score points here, just noting that Yglesias is echoing my point that you don’t win elections by having strong support of a relatively small, if culturally influential, voting block.)

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