Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I sincerely hope he wins the Dem primary. I am sure once everyone knows through informative commercials that he wanted to nationalize everything he will greatly expand his base of mostly millennial humanities majors who want free stuff to people who actually work and pay taxes.

I’m sure the Boston Marathon bomber will cast a wiser vote than you.

It really stinks that more voters don’t value being smart and accomplished.

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Update, gf convinced her apolitical roommate to go. No guarantee it’s a Bernie vote but I’m happy to see more young people voting so I’ll take it. Now time to anxiously wait for results…

Considering that most people substitute “rich person” when they think about “smart and accomplished person” it is 100% a good thing that voters don’t focus on that.

Unless you think Bezos or Zuck or Bloomberg are the ideal presidents, which maybe you do idk.

This is the issue that initially drew me to Pete, until his messaging around healthcare flipped and I could no longer consider supporting him. I actually consider it disappointing that he didn’t do more to pound that message in debates. We could have benefited quite a bit from that.


And this is why the anti-elitist nature of populism is so potent and why smart, accomplished liberals are often afraid of appealing to populism.

Iirc Warren called it out as well, I wouldn’t have minded the two of them discussing it more to bring it forward.

Would have been great to have a themed debate dedicated to “improving democracy” to cover things like voting suppression, voting holidays, filibusters, etc.


Welcome Comrade! You’ll fit right in with us toxic types

Lol is this performance art

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His “random” avatar is obnoxiously orange, coincidence?

We still haven’t banned this motherfucker? I think a brave mod should choose that hill to die on. Good luck!

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Are you a real boomer or just an honorary one?

No ban, I love his posts. My favorite was when he tried to put NJ on blast as some dystopian failed state compared to the Shrangi-La of Kansas.

And a bonus


Yeah… I never said Kansas was great. I just pointed out, using devastating facts on unemployment, income and ratings of fiscal health, how it is less dysfunctional than numerous blue states like Illinois and California. . Didn’t get a whole lot in return. Do get a lot of cursing at though.

That sucks man. You going to be ok?

The Yglesias tweet reminds me of a semi-famous anecdote. In 1972, Pauline Kael, the New Yorker’s film critic in the 60s/70s is claimed to have said, “I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.” Beware of bubbles, it’s a big country. (For the full, correct quote, see The Actual Pauline Kael Quote—Not As Bad, and Worse - John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine)

(To take the elitism up another notch, check out the awesome Yo La Tengo song “Deeper Into Movies,” named after a book by Kael. Yo La Tengo may sound like a Spanish band, but it’s actually 3 artsy jews from NJ. [LOL, just noticed that the top Youtube comment is “Walter Benjamin’s fav YLT song”] (Benjamin is a German philosopher and critic associated with the Frankfurt School.))

Your prediction skills are as solid as your taste in political parties.