Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I feel like Pablo used to be an okay poster but lately it’s been 100% angerbear posting from him.

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your shit is weak

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A man currently going through the early stages of dementia won’t be that much better if he’s better at all.


Jimmy: Mayor Bloomberg is also running for President.

Liz: I’ve heard that.

Jimmy: It seems like you don’t like him that much…

Liz: That’s true. But it’s not personal. It’s just everything about him.

Jimmy: But Donald Trump says everybody’s getting better, everything’s getting better.

Warren: [Yes], but this really is about leadership, and it’s why when serious problems come, you can’t just have a guy who believes in magic as the president of the United States.

There’s a brief moment where she defends taking superPAC money by saying that this only works if no one is using a superPAC. She didn’t mean to defend her decision, she just kind of cornered herself when she was bashing on Bloomberg for having unlimited moneys.

I’d still be happy with a Warren nom…

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Yeah but she’s not winning.

Only way she has a shot is if Bernie dies.

I don’t disagree. Just engaging with something else over endless angst about Bernie.

Trump sucking at his coronavirus response increased her equity.

isn’t Warren the oldest one left?


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Do you really want me to invoke Bayes theorem?

HOLY SHIT at this MSNBC blatantly misleading bullshit. This is enraging. Please god let this all be the death throes of the dying establishment as they try to stop Bernie. And please let their efforts fail.


You’re confused because, if elected, she would be the oldest president ever to be inaugurated (by very nearly a full year). However, she’s actually solidly younger than the three or four other serious candidates left (counting Bloomberg as the fourth).

Weird thing I learned researching this post: Clinton, Trump, and GWB were all born in the summer of 1946!

EDIT: Said Obama rather than Clinton the first time around. Not at all true!

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What role do we think Biden offered Pete?

Vice president of Burisma?


LOL at thinking Biden is in charge of anything. He’s more out of the loop than Trump is.


“Biden” obv

defense, VA, HUD, or chief of staff (i think chief of staff is unlikely, because that tends to go to DC insiders). Possibly UN ambassador. SoS as a long shot.

Are you saying that he’s a puppet and that electing Biden might actually be a third term for Obama?
