Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

This thing where people talking about a presidential candidates actions gets called dogpiling is really weird


eh, got used to it.

As for anger? Anger is one of the stages of grief, and yes, it IS grief. But I was never angry at Pete. I have been angry for a while at a lot of things happening in this race, many of which are what led to him dropping out.

What I’m angry at now is that there is no one left in the race who is putting my most important policy issues first. That the MSM has refused to learn any lessons from the past 4 years, or from 2016. That the average voter is an idiot.

Were you all pissed at Bernie in 2016 when he dropped out after realizing there was no viable path for him to the nomination? I’m not saying you weren’t mad, but were you mad at your candidate, or were you mad at other factors that caused him to drop out?

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Nobody who keeps using the term BernieBros is in a position to complain about civility.

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Ejecting 2 days before Super Tuesday, effectively meaning you lied your ass off to your supporters, in order to gain personally, is a shitty move.


I think their reaction would have been different had Bernie dropped out and told his supporters don’t worry I got a plum job in the next admin if our party wins. Now yes Pete may feel that’s the best way to do whatever policy wise he wants to do but it still reeks of political scheming in my opinion and I think most on this forum are sick of that type of thinking.


How many people in that poll have a twitter or have any idea what snake and rat memes were posted? Your’e just completely guessing on how important and how widely known the twitter and extremely online parts of this race are known to the general public (I’d guess over 90% of voters have no clue what is said on twitter)

I haven’t seen a single piece of evidence showing any voter changed their vote because of mean people on twitter posting mean memes (plus if your vote would swing from Bernie to someone like Biden because of mean memes that says alot more about you than the meme makers)

Edit: I grunched and the above was already posted in response

Grunching but people are really responding to nun’s proxy account as if that is anything other than bad faith trolling. Some are even acting like it is some rational argument.

I’m in the sitting on my patio in 70 degree weather getting high phase of the day. I highly recommend it over stressing over this shit until at least the results start happening.

Also some poll showing Pete supporters prefer Biden should not be shocking at all. If you told me the CIA made him in a test tube out of Biden’s late 70s/early 80s sperm it would make a lot of sense.



I mean this seriously, what are your most important policy issues that no one is supporting besides Pete?


Which one is nun??

I was thinking the same thing lmao. Neolib whack-a-mole

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I was partially joking but Pablo quit posting several months ago after being called out for it.

He isn’t nun. He is just here to do a nunlike “victory” lap based on complete bullshit.


Phew lol

You just have to accept that the average voter is an idiot and that the mainstream news media is what it is. Those are immutable features of our political landscape.

I’ll be honest. With all your posting here, I don’t know what your most important policy issues are. You came across more as someone who personally identified with Pete and backed him because of that. And I don’t think anyone here had any feel for what Pete’s priorities were, so he was perceived as being in it mainly out of a pursuit of power because becoming president was his priority.

If his priority is something like deficit reduction and fiscal conservatism, that’s something that I think is very wrong. I’ve been a Warren supporter and one of the things that drew me to her is that she is explicitly on the record as opposing a balanced budget amendment and can explain why a BBA is stupid.

democratic reforms.

And by “putting them first” I mean, not one other person the entire primary came out and said they will spend their day 1 political capital on democratic reforms except Pete. And that’s my number one issue.


I can get behind that and I agree it is critically important.

Sorry, I phrased that post very poorly. The intended meaning was to say that many people whine in bad faith about BernieBros being uncivil, but as phrased it’s completely ambiguous. Apologies for the confusion.

Infinilol about trying to cast BernieBro as some kind of unutterable slur though.

The only policy I associate with Pete, and this is not a joke, is being nice to Republicans.

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It purposely diminishes the (by far) most diverse coalition in the race. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says because I’m a grown man, but it’s absolutely an offensive slur.


The closest you probably can get is Warren marking her anti-corruption plan as her #1 legislative priority, ahead of a wealth tax.