Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

With the exception of his SC concession speech, I’ve seen no coverage of what Bernie has or hasn’t said since the last debate where I was told he loved Fidel Castro.


There are different kinds of activities. In some areas, the formal rules fully dictate collectives expectations about behavior. In others, they don’t, and you also need to consult informal systems of standards, norms, etc. It’s not (necessarily) hypocritical to object to norm violations in a sphere where norms are an important part of the collective expectations, but not be too troubled where norms are violated in spheres where they don’t exist or are only weakly upheld.

An irony is that there used to be stronger norms around the nomination process (“The Party Decides”), that have been subverted or destroyed to the benefit of Bernie and insurgent Dems generally. The insurgent playbook is to make an end-run around the institutional party and use the technicalities of the rules to install a nominee who’s broadly unacceptable to important constituencies in the party. That’s fine, and norms are ultimately unstable if they can’t be informally defended against challenges like that. But there’s certainly no norm (and even more certainly, no rule) that the party nominee should be the person who wins a plurality of delegates through the crazy, convoluted primary process. Even more so, there’s no norm that bars candidates from working together for the collective benefit. (It’s absurd to even phrase it that way–that’s what politics is!) Bernie benefited greatly from fragmentation of voters who dislike him and is benefiting still from the fact that the worst non-Bernie candidate came out on top of the consolidation. The baroque whining from his supporters about very, very normal politics that favors their guy is remarkable.


Maybe Obama just decided to call Pete up and hint that he should drop out because it’ll let him demand concessions from Biden because he was bored on a Saturday night, who can possibly know for sure?


Pete definitely had a shot. You can prob look back and find some screenshots of 538’s model having him better than 1 in 10. You can see it in the results too. No Klob surge and he decisively wins Iowa and New Hampshire. He still loses NV and SC, but not as badly, and he would still have a good shot on Super Tuesday.

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Claiming that the rules used to be even more stilted in favour of the party apparatus in no-way indicates that the current set ensures anything like a level playing field.


When Klobuchar didn’t drop out, it was all “why is she running?” Now that she has dropped out, some people think she is ratfucking. It sucks for you if the timing of her exit works against your preferred outcome, but it is not unfair.

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You’re right you wasted your time responding.

old but true.

and fuck Klob, and fuck the MSM for slobbering all over her 3rd place finish in NH rather than Pete’s arguably greater accomplishment of getting a closer second than he ever should have.

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No one’s suggest that it’s a “coincidence” that Beto and Klobuchar both showed up at a Biden rally and endorsed him on the eve of a pivotal election. It certainly seems planned.

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This is what I mean. You think it’s being “sly” or whatever…really it’s just that people were inspired.

When were plans made? With Klobuchar, probably not until after SC. Remember when the Biden campaign supposedly wanted her to stay in until Super Tuesday to deny Minnesota to Sanders?

My man cared so much about his supporters that he dropped out two days before Super Tuesday ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I mean at least skydiver was honest, issues aren’t important to Pete supporters. They just like Pete, and want to advance his career and beat Trump.

Nevermind that Joe and Pete are proving Trump right that D politicians don’t really care much about their issues/values that they claim are sacrosanct when it’s time to beat a Republican over the head with them, it’s all about manipulating your emotions to entrench their power.


With all candor I have enormous respect for the work Sky put in and her devotion to her man. Unfortunately he just wasn’t that into her.

You’re being an asshole.


Holy Christ are you people seriously still dogpiling on skydiver now that Pete’s out?


My goodness, those are some really mean words. What about Nazi? Did anyone call you or your Jewish candidate one of those on network television yet?

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I would be irate in her position. It’s a testament to her character that she isn’t.


The guy nailed the top of his range and he still dropped out. I don’t see how he had a shot