Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Yeah, it’s like when Trump called the Ds corrupt and dirty scumbags that he used to buy and sell. At first I was just mad at Trump and did whataboutism regarding Trump’s corruption… then I got mad at the Dirty Ds for proving him right over and over again.

The question remains, if we’re given the binary choice of Biden v. tRUmp do you want the complete consolidation of authoritarian power now or later?

A Biden victory in November will only postpone the inevitable and the next dictator won’t be so inept.

If we keep heading down the same path, catering to corporations and allowing them to amass ridiculous amounts of wealth for their board members while half the country is hard pressed to come up with $400 for an unexpected expense we are perpetuating the sickness that tRUmp is only a symptom of.


I know this sounds like JAQing off, but I’d honestly be curious to hear if there’s a real difference here.

The moderates are dropping out, endorsing Biden, and allowing him to consolidate the moderate vote. And that’s ratfucking, right?

But the people who are mad about that also wanted Warren to drop out, endorse Bernie, and help him consolidate the progressive vote. Wouldn’t that be ratfucking Biden too?

So, is ratfucking actually fine, but just annoying when it happens to you?


This is absolutely the truth. I just cannot get exited about Biden, no matter how many of my fellow Team Pete folks have eagerly jumped on board that train.

However, your post misses another huge factor in this. The bulk of Pete voters (trust me, I follow a ton of them on twitter, fb and real life) were in this because they believed in Pete’s message and policies. They aren’t cynical political operators. So when Pete said “I endorse Biden, come along with me” it’s because they see a Biden win as the best way to increase Pete’s national profile (because of an admin spot).

Also, watch this again. This isn’t just Pete endorsing Biden. It’s Biden endorsing Pete and for the people (the majority) who vote based on feelings, then hell yeah, that’s worth 60% of them.

So yes, while the rat memes and Salo screenshots and constant insults definitely didn’t help, stuff like the above video is what really pushed Pete people to Joe.


I think this is a fine question, because I am also confused about how people are using the word ratfucking. Pete and Amy dropping out to endorse Biden is shitty and they can go fuck themselves, but it does not produce the visceral reaction I’d feel if the Dems nominated Biden despite Bernie beating him in popularity/delegates. Ratfucking, to me (can we please come up with a better word?), is when the Dem party ignores the will of the people to force their preferred candidate upon us.

Right now it looks like they WILL ratfuck, but they haven’t ratfucked yet.

But really, can we please come up with a better term.



Cmon, sky…


How involved in politics are you? Have you worked on any campaigns? Are you involved in your state party?

I was told Pete was a progressive? Bottom line is the motives of everyone involved are suspect, and that when Harry Reid and a bunch of creepy billionaires are involved then a ratfuck is going on.

Absolutely a case of decided I’ve decided they are guilty and I’ll find the evidence later. These people have had three decades to earn my trust and they haven’t earned an ounce of it.

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I don’t think what’s currently happening is “ratfucking”, if that term actually matters.

But in one scenario you’d have two semi-outsider candidates consolidating their voters around a consistent message.

In the current scenario you have the entire party leadership, the vast majority of the media, two much more viable candidates than Warren, and the parties’ fundraising class all coalescing around a candidate with dementia that a month ago everyone agreed was dead in the water, with the explicit goal of stopping Sanders and dishonestly fearmongering around his agenda.

Add onto that shit like Pelosi campaigning for Cuellar in Texas when he votes with Trump 70% of the time because she’s afraid that a primary loss there will lead to primary losses for other shitty incumbents who are staving off young progressive challengers. AOC is undeniably the best MoC right now and the response from Dems has been internal reforms to ensure that nobody like her ever wins again.

Like, I get that some of the anger and outrage that’s expressed here isn’t always internally consistent. But there are a lot of very legitimate reasons for that anger, and everyone in this thread who decides to take THIS moment to give a stern lecture on how important it is to vote Biden or to innocently point out that some Sanders fans think Warren should drop out (and isn’t that really the same?) are carrying water for some pretty fucking disgusting actions by a bunch of disgusting people.


the difference is that pete actually won a state already. got a really close second in another. I mean what was the point of him running if he was just going to do this? Things were going really, really well for him.

but yea, he was never going to be the nominee anyway, so really, why did he run. I think that’s the most frustrating part, just the complete cynical nature of everything he’s ever done.

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Bernie should have been better prepared for this. Where is he? He should have been shouting from the mountaintops that these events validate his message and everyone has to mobilize tomorrow to make sure it doesn’t work.

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You can fuck right off with that shitting on “Bernie supporters line”, Johnny. I have plenty of Bernie voters in my life who don’t cross the line of toxic crap you guys promote here. A lot of people here have stupidly adapted the Chapo stupidity and repeated until their blue in their face. All the name calling and using stupid labels like eDem, neoliberal, rat, snake… that came from your side.

The real irony here is you guys are in so much fucking denial and some of you will promote conspiracy theories about riggings of elections without ever checking your own attitudes.

This is why I don’t post here. Even “nice guys” like microbet and you promote that toxic shit.


Thanks for the two very solid answers. I don’t totally agree with all of it, but I do appreciate hearing a full response. Cheers.

This shit is like Stockholm Syndrome.

Like, increasing this guy’s national profile or providing healthcare to the poor. Hmm. Tough one!


Little known fact, Virgil Texas invented the term “neoliberal”.


PI is going to overreact to the early polls tonight which should lead to some good value in Bernie shares when he inevitably picks up west coast states tomorrow morning.

You seem angry. That’s not a very good way to have your arguments taken seriously. Maybe consider your tone.


Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropping out before Super Tuesday and both of them as well as O’Rourke endorsing Biden seems more than a coincidence. If this was an organized effort who has the leverage to pull this off if not the party leadership?