Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?



I have tried to explain this to so many people in so many ways and they all just kind of look at me, blink a few times, and then move on to something else. Or they’ll be like, “Yeah, I dunno, I just think Biden has a better chance to win.”

Fuck me I don’t want to bring everyone down. I shouldn’t be but I’m just shocked that a candidate as bad as Biden is really happening. Dude literally can’t talk.

Fuck centrists, fuck Democrats, fuck Republicans, fuck everyone. Literally voting against having health care and no war and for having corruption and personal debt.

I’m going down with the ship and I’m going to crank up my call time for Bernie in the face of depression and the sad sense of the inevitable even though emotionally I just want to check out. But seriously fuck humans, hopefully coronavirus mutates and kills everyone.


Trump: The immigrants are stealing your jobs, I’ll get rid of the immigrants and make the companies bring the jobs back to the USA#1 and you’ll get your jobs back!

eDems: Those jobs are being lost to automation and globalization, and they’re never coming back. Can I interest you in an information technology job? Maybe some telephone sales? I think Starbucks is hiring a barista. Also, good news, we’ve created this healthcare exchange where you can spend 4-5 hours trying to figure out how it works and then pay like $1600/mo for a family of four to get basic coverage with like a $10,000 out of pocket max but possibly some subsidies to help you if you’re making less… hey, wake up, you dozed off!

Bernie: The billionaires are shipping your jobs overseas to save money, and I’m going to take them down a notch. I’m going to give you all free healthcare, a living minimum wage, and a federal jobs guarantee! It’s time to make this economy work for ALL of us, not just a few!

The eDems do not get it.


Oh, they get $$$$$ it.


I’m just lost on the basics of what you’re arguing in that case. If your opinion is that ratfucking is ethical because it’s legal, shouldn’t the same apply to being rude online, which is also legal? If Pete supporters are really so upset about rat memes that they prefer Biden, they should by all means vote for him.


eDems: what’s that, you lost your mining job? Then learn to code, ya neanderthal!

Also eDem ring leader Joe Biden: coders are a bunch of creeps!

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There are some families that have been separated and detained at the border that may disagree. There are some coronavirus patients coming down the pipes due to an absurd lack of testing that might disagree. There are some hurricane victims in Puerto Rico that might disagree. Etc, etc, etc.


Just to be clear, do you consider successfully convincing political opponents to drop their bids for President and support you against another political opponent to be “rat fucking”?

If Joe wins today then I’ll be fine w/ him being the nominee as the level of Dem E collusion going into Super Tuesday was blatant but tolerable. All in all, if Joe wins today it’s because the D voters want him. He got super favorable media coverage but Bernie outspent him by a lot.

A win by Joe today is fair enough. It’s if he finishes 2nd today, and then the Dem E and their donors do everything in their power to push him over the top that is when I think a rigged narrative is justified.


Y’all can deny it all you want. But you pissed in your community well. Maybe the skydivers of the world wouldn’t have voted Bernie most of the time, but you damn sure reduced it to 0%. Same with my candidate (Warren). All the snake and rat name calling and conspiracy theories, bernie mathematics could have been better better used convincing Sanders is the next best choice.Bernie should have been a better choice for Pete voters over Biden.
You guys are still mindlessly talking about eDems not getting it. No, you don’t get it at all. To get to a Nordic model in the US you have to change the culture over a bigger % of citizens attitude towards social and welfare programs. That doesn’t come with one “once in a lifetime” candidate and a hostile senate anyways and tarring and feathering any perceived threat (a surging Pete or Warren). Biden clearly isn’t going to be the candidate for that. But he’s the candidate for a lot of average Jane and Joes in the world to stop the bleeding of Trump or a few reactionary Pete voters.

You can hand wave away the Bernie Bro thing as twitter bots even though they’re living examples of it like Chapos, Kyle Kulinskis and Hasan Pikers of the world that we can see with our own eyes.

Biden’s seemingly inevitable nomination is on you guys, not eDems, “neoliberal shills”, and other mindless utterances. Courting Pete and Warren voters ad hoc instead of building a coalition to where Warren or Pete vs Sanders was preferable over Biden vs Bernie was a mistake.


All I know is that I don’t like decrepit weird billionaires rigging our primaries to suit their interests:

As a wise rat once said, the shape of our democracy is the issue that affects all other issues.

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And peace until the primaries are all the way over.

Shut the fuck up


You are making literally the same argument that was made ad nauseum in 16. Do better.

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This is absolute fucking bullshit, but I bet you felt all high and mighty typing it. “I’m gonna show those mean old Bernie Bros!”

How many of these voters have a Twitter? How many regularly engage with any Bernie Bros whatsoever?

They switched to Biden because Biden and Pete have been repeating the same “BUT HOW MUCH WILL IT COST” attacks for weeks. They switched to Biden because Pete supporters skew old, and old people like Biden. They switched to Biden because name recognition, because the mainstream media has been anointing him for months, because “Obama”.

The people on this forum, through their collective efforts, have attracted many multiples more Bernie supporters than people they’ve turned off. Fuck the fuck off with this fucking bullshit.


Don’t forget your ball



If tomorrow Bernie announced that he actually loved how Castro imprisoned journalists, thinks women can’t be president, and thought his online fans should harass the supporters of other candidates, I would be shocked but I’d take a step back and consider that all of the shit people said about him had some merit. And I’d probably vote warren.

On the other hand, when it turns out that Pete actually is a rat who sold his soul and endorsed Biden, his supporters’ reaction is to also support Biden.

And the takeaway here is that we were wrong to call him a rat! Amazing.


You all have this wrong, you need to speak in the language of compassionate and reasonable centrists like Joe Biden that persuade people through logic and coalition building. Not an expert at this but believe the correct phrasing is “Look fat, you are a damn liar.”