Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Legally responsible lmao

Lawbro still lawbroing as his apartment fills with sewage is a perfect metaphor


In other bad news, the Bernie campaign’s texting program has been down for the past day. All I want to do is send a few thousand GOTV texts, but nobody can log in. On previous voting days, the GOTV effort has been massively effective at turning people out. This is such shitty timing for technical issues to arise and I’m trying hard to not don my tinfoil hat over it. Ughhhh

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Unsubscribing from this thread until the toxicity dies down.

It’s ok for lefties/democrats/liberals/whatever to be wrong about something you feel passionate about, and their heart still be in the right place. It doesn’t make them anywhere near Trumpkin-level ignorance of malevolence. The extreme vitriol is unwarranted.


Lol, the entire D establishment is openly conspiring to prop up a senile old creep with a horrendous track record on every important issue in our lifetimes and the problem is the “toxicity” of the people freaking out about it?

Sorry, but tone policing is a tool of the rich and powerful against those outraged by their obvious bullshit. I thought you were cool, man…




It was a product invented by waiters to make assholes feel better.

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It’s possible for more than one thing to be a problem at the same time.


You are right, the second problem is we are not angry enough. We should be staging mass protests at Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, etc. offices instead of arguing with their supporters on a message board.



Feel free to point out which sense that is.

Man, I would love it if peeps put half of their energy into getting angry with Biden and the DNC.

a. They snuck Biden on us at the last minute b. the DNC absolutely lose their shit saying we are just helping Trump when we do that and the Toxic Centrists agree with them

NC is a swing state.

“they performed better than the 16 democrat” is the weakest bad faith argument I’ve seen here in a while when dems across the board did better in 18 flipping the house than 16.

If you say so, the last Democrat to win it before Obama did in 2008 was Jimmy fuckin’ Carter and Obama’s 2008 win was by less than 14,000 votes.

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2008 VP debate:

Moderator: Do you support gay marriage?

Biden: No.


Bernie taking down this homophobic buffoon on the Senate floor in 1995.

Let Joe figure it out. Bernie has been on the right side of LGBTQ rights for decades upon decades.

This message brought to you by RiskyFlush attempting to Bern away his anxiety today.


I’m mostly going by wikipedia here, but have they backed any candidates who won competitive seats? It seemed that they had not, despite backing a bunch of candidates. It’s cool that they managed to lose by a respectable margin in a favorable wave election when their opponent was under indictment for corruption, but not sure how much that really proves.

I’ve been pretty transparent about being annoyed that the last reasonable presidential candidate quit and we’re stuck with a field composed entirely of septuagenarians. It’s more baffling how all your fellow Bernie supporters are mad that the other candidates are dropping out.

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In a way that has some purchase with people who don’t share your opinions