Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I too use a Biden to clean my asshole upon every visit to the toilet, I wouldn’t go back.

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Flavor Flav forgot why Public Enemy existed in the first place.

Chuck D hasn’t. He’s great with Prophets of Rage. Flavor Flav is only remembered for having a clock around his neck.

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The best part of the whole primary system is that the nominee is usually decided by states that they’ll never, ever win in a general election. Biden’s going to win this primary by scooping up delegates in states Trump is going to win by 10%+ in November and somehow it’s going to be Bernie’s fault because he didn’t drop out early enough.


This is begging the question.

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Hot take: there won’t be any more democratic debates.

Bright spot for FL, but is it enough to overcome voter suppression?

Kind of a pyrrhic victory when your apartment is full of backed up sewage.

Sure, but a second Trump term would be worse than the first and a Bernie presidency would be better than a Hillary presidency. Swongs, yeah?

Well, yes. Giving somebody else the nomination if Bernie has a plurality of delegates on the first ballot will be a total shitshow. You think there are going to be less than 100,000 berniebros in the streets of Milwuakee? It’ll look sooo much worse than the 68 convention.

But more broadly, it seems like you’re super overestimating the novelty of the fuckery. This is SOP for a clique in control of a thing. Its human nature. If you thought any party’s politics worked different, you sweet summer child I guess. At least they’re bad enough at it that their best time to kneecap the insurgent is literally the day before the most important vote. Any competent party apparatus would have have been fucking him for 3 years already like the Labour right did Corbyn.


Flavor Flav wanting Public Enemy to stay out of politics is absolutely surreal. OK, Boomer.


This is kinda like a team logic vs. team books thing. One candidate was always way better than the other who, really never could have won. Like yea, on paper, we can logic warren into being a better candidate and it being smart to support her. But in reality, you can actually read about candidates past actions and views, and it was just always clear that bernie was the superior candidate. always.


Breaking shit is easier than building shit. News at 11.


What do you people eat that regular TP isn’t enough to have a clean/comfortable butthole and skidmark free underwear, or am I just the neanderthal here?

The hose makes way more sense. Why spread shit around your asscrack when you can wash it off?

In a way that has some purchase with people who don’t share your opinions.

Not too sure what that has to do with legitimacy in either sense, but I invite you to reconsider this whole line of reasoning:

It was not used in either sense of the word that you suggested, but rather an entirely different sense that is common in American English usage.

I respectfully decline the invitation to read 50 pages of this:


If, however, you have a 1hr+ Youtube video that expresses your thoughts, please do share the link.


Why is Doc Mod so salty all of the sudden?