Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

If Biden wins they should hold the first debate in a nursing home and give the candidates an applesauce break.

Next Dem debate is in Phoenix and hosted by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Should play favorably to Bernie I would think.

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neither can Trump, still has produced a lot of radical change

I mean, I was making the same point. The people you are defending here are the only people who have actually said they are going to vote for Trump over a Democrat, so I think you’re directing your condescension at the wrong people.

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I like the analogy except we know how it’s going to happen. Whoever wins between Bernie and Biden is going to lose the support of a huge chunk of the other’s supporters in the general, proving that “vote blue no matter who” was never anything more than meaningless jingoism. We will all be in the election night thread pretending we didn’t see it coming all along.

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polls out with Biden up 20+ in VA/NC

it’s over

no complaining when Trump wins

you don’t think people can learn from their mistakes and be better when doing something a second time so it won’t fall victim to what it did originally?


This is actually incorrect. The point of having explicit procedural rules is that they clearly delineate what is acceptable and what is not. Unless you’re bribing people or stuffing ballot boxes or otherwise violating the actual rules, “ratfucking” is fine in an election. Political discourse is not run by explicit procedural rules, so there’s much more latitude to be legitimately aggrieved by things that are not against any formal rule, because the formal rules aren’t intended to completely specify expectations. As an analogy, it’s totally fine at a poker table to bet or raise in any manipulative or deceptive way (as long as it doesn’t violate the rules against collusion), but it’s not fine to call an opponent a dumb piece of shit. And that’s true even though sneaky manipulative raises take money out of your opponents’ pockets and name-calling doesn’t.

There is also obviously a ton of bad-faith whining about incivility from BernieBros that’s calculated for political advantage, which the BernieBros lean into for some reason, but that’s a separate matter.


I’ll take the neoliberal status quo over this banana republic shit anytime, but right now I’m focused on getting Bernie into the general election.


A seat has to be pretty damn blue to trust the Justice Dems not to fuck it up. They’re not great at winning elections.


Worst idea ever. While Bernie’s organization is the first in 170 years to plausibly be able to become a functional third party, co-opting the Democratic party is a much shorter path to power. Yes, the entrenched party will fight it, of course they will, their jobs are on the line as well as validation of their worldview and life’s work.

You seem to have missed my post on this. I said that my landlord was legally responsible for the plumbing absent notice that wipes could be harmful and did not opine on whether the wipes were, in fact, harmful. It’s the sort of problem where being a lawyer type can be useful.

Sticking it to rent seekers is good praxis :joy:


Yeah but it’s not gonna happen. If they can stop Bernie and his wave of supporters, they can stop anyone.

Let’s face it. Given the fuckery going on, the primary system is nothing more than an illusion. Even if Bernie does get the nom, it will be in spite of the fuckery by the establishment and media during the primaries. Whether the fuckery works or not, it is a condemnation of the entire system.



Help me out with the meaning of “legitimately” here. Legitimately in the sense of genuinely or in the sense of conforming to law?

I used to be all about the flushable wipes… and then a year and a half ago I bought a bidet. I would never ever go back. The environmental impact should be enough reason for you lefty types, but I’m here to tell you that the product is also infinitely better. Water is way better than any kind of wipe for doing this particular job. You can even do what I did and get one that warms the water.

You’re all spending enough money on TP that this investment will pay off in a matter of months… and your assholes will be incredibly incredibly grateful. Seriously get on Amazon and buy one already.