Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?



It’s not going to be $27 million it’s going to be Bloomberg level of $100s of millions, likely from Bloomberg himself but if not there are plenty of other creepy old billionaires like this guy willing to step-up:

I don’t give a damn about moderates consolidating in a fair fight, I actually prefer it so we can see where the people truly stand. In polling, Bernie beat every other D candidate in popularity and heads up, I’d be willing to see if that plays out in real life and if not then so be it.

I saw an unsourced rumor that Bloomberg has no ad buys past tomorrow. Of course what is he at already, $600MM dropped or something?

The problem is Warren, not Klob/Pete doing exactly what you would expect them to do.

Although I guess Warren is doing exactly what we expect her to do anyway…

All he needs are enough delegates to make it a contested convention and after supper Tuesday maybe he starts spending on Biden.

That segment is so odd. Like a good oppo guy would have charted out ways to spin it, lead the anchor down a path of conversation, etc. Instead the guy was like “Bernie likes rape! It’s weird!” and the anchor was like “What?” and he just sputters off on something else. Like he had heard the oppo but didn’t plan anything out.

You Americans actually believe that Nafta was bad. Disinformation permeates into every American’s life, posters here are no different

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pro NAFTA doesn’t play well in Michigan. Bernie is better there.

It was bad. Not for the reasons generally advertised, and not for the reasons that made Hillary and will make Joe lose in Michigan, but it was bad.

If Bernie doesn’t drop out and endorse Warren by the end of today I hope he realizes the blood he will have on his hands


fwiw, I don’t think Joe ends up losing michigan, but I’m a bit concerned about the senate seat, the challenger has higher name recognition.

Would be have been nice if Mayo P and Klob stayed in and leeched away enough votes from Sleepy Joe on super tuesday to pull him below the 15% treshold in a few states.

ETA: you can’t edit quotes? Don’t see anything wrong with the tags.
ETA2: fixxed, thanks RiskyF!

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Possible for you to list some of the other stuff and what you see as the correct take? PM or a separate thread welcome. No debate from me. This is an honest question.

NAFTA was great for the capitalist class and consumers looking to save a dime or two at the store, plenty of economic surplus value to be sure.

Unfortunately, Bill Clinton lied when he said he had a plan to funnel back a fair share of that surplus value to blue-collar workers. Leaving a hollowed out industrial center full of depressed anger bears that couldn’t support a family and numbed the pain with Oxy.

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Hit enter after the last quote tag

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One thing this site is bad at is embedded tweet-gifs.

Anyway I submit to you GOAT gif:


If you check the date that the Zapatistas declared war on Mexico you get at the worst effects of NAFTA. It required the privatization of the ejidos and destroyed the small farm economy in Mexico. It turned Mexico from a corn exporter into an importer of subsidized US corn (it was not a free trade deal - it was protection for the powerful). It led to the mass migration of poor rural Mexicans into Northern Mexico and into the United States (not that having Mexicans here is bad, but first world and corporate protectionist trade policies that cause mass migrations are not good).

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Has @skydiver8 posted here yet since last night? I genuinely hope she’s doing alright. Nobody here poured more time and emotion into a campaign than her, and I imagine this has been tough.

Sky, if you ever care to share I would love to hear your thoughts on how this all played out.


She hasn’t been online since last night. Probably hung over.

When they go low we go high LDO.