Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I think the smart money is banking on Bloomer getting behind Biden after Super Tuesday. Once Bloomer actually does then it will probably flip to 60% Biden.

But I should restate my opinion, the billionaire D donor class is now obviously going to flood Joe’s campaign with money so he will have a ridiculous $$$ advantage even w/o Bloomer.

If Warren doesn’t endorse Bernie before today ends and Biden becomes the nominee, I hope she takes responsibility for the tens of thousands of healthcare related deaths and suicides from some of those crippled by student and medical debt. And yeah i know this is hyperbole but idgaf. Progressive need to rally together now. Is she really progressive or not? Time to find out.


“Trump has been credibly accused of RAPE and refuses to submit a DNA sample to clear his name. What is Rapist Trump hiding?”

Where is that ad?


Worth the two minute listen. It’s possible to change, but why would you go with someone whose history is as a garbage person when there’s another choice?

And Warren’s recent behavior suggests she’s as nihilistic as advertised.

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yeah klob can’t be VP, she was polling at like 3 overall. No reason to give that up for an endorsement that won’t matter.

Wild that 2 people dropped in the 3 days between SC and super tuesday, could be worse I guess edwards dropped out DURING super tuesday.

Astonishingly stupid. I don’t even know where to start. If Bernie is the great candidate that people here believe him to be, then he should be able to beat fucking Sleepy Joe of all people without the net like +1.5 he would gain from Warren dropping out.


Ughhh, I was okay w/ a battle of the ideas between the “consolidated moderates super team behind a senile creep” and Bernie, and whoever wins, wins. But now getting nauseous as it is now dawning on me that the former will have billions of dollars and the entire establishment media behind them.



I think Warren is going to soak up a bunch of Pete and Amy voters tomorrow. It may end up being a net positive for Bernie if she stays in through tomorrow, actually. I just wish people would stop pretending like she’s a legitimate alternative to Bernie. She’s not.

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Rape thing was mentioned by Bloomberg strategist Tim O’brien on CNN. It’s utter bollocks of course.

I’m tryna burn it down I ain’t tryna break it


Let’s get one thing clear. If Bernie loses, he wouldn’t be losing to a sleepy senile old man. He’d be losing to the MSM, the DNC, and the billionaire class. Biden is just they’re prop to stop Bernie.


Lol this is some sad shit. Why don’t you have some faith in Bernie? His campaign has consistently had way more money than Joe. A 27 million dollar ad buy from a mega donor doesn’t go any further than a million $27 grassroots donations. Bloomberg is currently taking more votes from Joe.

People itt are just salty as hell that the election went from being stacked in Bernie’s favor with the “moderate vote” (in so far as it exists) being split to now being a more level contest between establishment and progressive.

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A lot of people are bad, selfish and/or ignorant and because of that it’s most likely that either Trump or Biden will win. Probably Trump.

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Not any sad shit, just the truth. If both Bernie and Joe had to run their campaigns with zero MSM coverage, zero Super PAC dollars, and zero help from the DNC putting their fingers on the scale, Bernie would demolish Joe. He’s a far better candidate. When you add all of those things in though, it’s going to be close.

ETA: Also, I’m pretty sure we all still have faith in Bernie. That’s why I am volunteering my time, as we speak, to help get him elected. We don’t have as much faith that the people with power will play it fair.

What about zero twitter, zero youtube, zero podcasts. It’s just preposterous. If Bernie loses a plurality to Joe, it’s exactly as micro says. It’s because voters suck.

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Politicians :clap: care :clap: about :clap: amassing :clap: power :clap: not :clap: policy

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Donald Trump is the president of the united states, that is enough for proof of the “voters suck” argument to me.


Whining about spineless moderate douche bags like Pete and Klob being exactly what we’ve said they are all along - amoral, transactionally driven lightweights - is dumb. Their actions validate Bernie’s whole pitch: they’re all corrupt tools of elites who need to be thrown out with the bath water.

If he can’t beat Joe fucking Biden he doesn’t deserve to be president. Let’s get to work.


Sanderistas should be ecstatic that the establishment lane collapsed on Biden, rather than Warren or Klobs. He’s terrible! It’s obviously bad for the country to have the primary coalesce on the least suitable candidates, but for Bernie or busters it’s the best possible outcome. What were you people even hoping would happen?

EDIT: Tagged a response to AtC, but not really to him… sorry for ambiguity