Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

The Republican propaganda machine might even suggest Biden supported NAFTA, the Iraq war and mass incarceration!


Not to mention Bill Clinton:

Somehow doubt WhatAboutBernie’sWeirdEssay would have had the same effect.

If I were a Bernie fan, I wouldn’t be claiming that old, tangentially related oppo is a big deal.

I don’t think Trump is logically evaluating these things. He does not respond. He reacts. He does not thoughtfully consider something. He goes with his gut. His impulse isn’t a factor in his decisions. His impulse IS his decision.

His gut tells him a 1v1 with Biden is ripe with his favorite flavor of excitement. He can shout his favorite conspiracy theories all day if Biden is the nominee. He can claim they were all proven true if he wins the election. The voters decided the Bidens are guilty!

Again, I don’t think he or even his remaining handlers have the mindfulness to think this through. This is just my arm chair analysis for what makes this bad for Trump but why he can’t help but want it anyway.

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People concern trolling over that essay will be supporting a guy who can’t stop acting like a complete perv all the time to this day.


The whole world apparently forgot that Biden is a demented moron who can’t get through his stump speech without lying or creepily touching women?


They’re really going to go with Biden eh? Lol, ok


Worked for republicans 4 years ago

I’m claiming that the Dirty D establishment is lying when they say they are undermining Bernie because of old tangentially related opposition research as evidenced by the fact that they put a credibly accused rapist in the White House and then sought to put him back in the White House again after he got caught fucking an intern.

Those cards haven’t been played yet.

Sierra Blanca would be as shouted as Benghazi, is one of them. That’s when bernie tried to send vermont’s nuke waste to there, which is in texas, which is a small hispanic area.

I guess the moderates are trying to test the “moderates > Bernie” hypothesis, the only problem being that we’ve seen over and over that people’s reasoning is nonsensical and their votes are essentially random. Like if Bernie was leading the national polling on Friday, he’s probably over 50% now.

Klob isn’t a good VP choice, but dunno what else she’d actually want.

Yeah, as it stands Bernie still wins and rather easily, IMO. The game changer is if Bloomer drops out and puts all his money behind Biden. And think there is a great chance of that happening if Bloomer does as poorly as we expect on Super Tuesday.

The problem is this is going to just extend the media’s fawning over Biden.

Liz Warren continues to disappoint


Not even close to “rather easily”. Biden just about caught Bernie nationally even with Bloom still in.

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The nuclear waste one and the rape essay haven’t. I don’t know how salient they’re going to be. I don’t even really know what’s going to be the thing they’re going to hit. The early hints have mostly just been generic socialism.

I wouldn’t pretend Bernie is untouchable while Biden is an easy target. They both have weaknesses, but who knows what’s going to stick.

If Trump’s accusers are as OK with being used as political props as Clinton’s were, then Bernie or whoever wins needs to definitely do that.