Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

At least Bernie will win Minnesota now.

Biden gets the nomination Warren will be forever to blame. I’m going to keep saying this until she drops out.


“In other words, the belief that Sanders would have walked into the White House based on polls taken before anyone really attacked him is a delusion based on a scaffolding of political ignorance.”

this is a good tweet

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Wait did this get posted?

Get fucked Barry.

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I mean they already did try the “Sanders was at a Sandinista rally and heard some anti American chants” and it didn’t really go anywhere.

The Castro stuff is the stuff that seems to have stuck the most.

Yes, but …

The Republicans will viciously attack every Dem candidate with a mix of half truths and false claims. Once again and forever more - Dems’s need to stop conceding ground to R’s without a fight. They keep saying “we can’t do X because the Republicans will beat us on the messaging” instead of JUST GETTING BETTER AT MESSAGING AND POSITIONING.


I sincerely hope Biden gets the nomination and loses. I want to go down making sure all of these idiots who pearl clutched their terrible health care get what they deserve.


:cry: :cry: :cry:


By some accounts Pete got a call from the Biden team then the Obama team and no endorsements seems more likely now until there’s only 1…

I mean this is true, but it helps to have a candidate that’s, you know, good. Of course, what’s good and what’s bad is subjective. Trump as a racist businessman was enough to overcome a long list of sexual assault allegations.

It’s just weird that people continuously say he hasn’t been vetted or that there’s so much oppo but when it comes time to show the cards it’s the exact same thing we’ve heard every time. Maybe there is a ton of stuff out there, maybe what’s out there sticks in the general. It’s just odd that people keep saying that there’s so much oppo but if there’s so much why not dump it, if you have so much more sitting in the vaults?

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I guess it’s the time of year for airport rallies.

What’s really weird is these same people pearl clutching over the oppo Rs have on Bernie are simultaneously banging their Biden drums as if Trump wasn’t just impeached over digging up dirt on Biden. I guess all that Burisma stuff will just go away once Joe’s actually the nominee.


DemE really wants AOC etc to make a real progressive party I guess?

I mean, his opponent in this hypothetical match up is on tape bragging about rape within the past decade. His personal attorney is in prison for making illegal payments to keep a porn star he fucked while his wife was pregnant quiet. We need to stop acting like these kind of attacks coming from the right matter, and instead start attacking the right for being even worse all the while screwing over poor people and minorities.


OMG this! Bernie wrote a weird take on rape 40 years ago? TRUMP RAPED MULTIPLE PEOPLE!


Hmm. That is an interesting point. If Biden is the nominee and they trot out all of the Hunter/Burisma stuff, there’s still a ton of drip drip and everything that already came out vs Trump. I mean does Trump really want to hang a drum that requires everyone to discuss an impeachment that most people believed should have resulted in his removal from office?

Seems risky. Which is why he will do it I guess. He’s addicted to excitement.

Lol at thinking Trump is evaluating it on that level.