Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I remember people were freaking out when Bloomberg joined the race, but it seems like my read on him was correct: all those millions of ad dollars are simply not enough to make people vote for a candidate no one likes. Predictit in particular really overhyped Bloomberg’s chances.

I hope you’re right but I’d wait until after super tues to be so declarative.


This. Very political Koch network dude. Vulture capitalist for distressed countries. Obvious move to turn Twitter into right-wing propaganda only.

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Random person on Twitter who supports Bernie says big news about to come out of Minnesota

Or make money by ousting mismanagement from an undervalued company. Does anybody really think Dorsey’s not deplorable enough?

The Vikings are winning the suoerbowl??

Klob is basically just in this as a safety in case the other candidates all die of COVID-19.

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Please update if you see anything, not sure what this could be?

Jesse “I ain’t got time to bleed” “the body” Ventura endorsement incoming

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If bloomberg doesn’t have one of the worst debates ever I’m certain he wins at least 3 states on super tuesday. So, PI’s odds were absolutely correct at the time.

Outside of NY, most people only know bloomberg from the ads where he’s an ass kicking dude who gets shit done.

according to recent CA polling (it’s more than one but point blank political had the worst poll of all time in NV so I’m ignoring them forever), biden had already gotten a bit over 15 from SC’s result before the Pete dropout.

Warren/Bloom the ones taking the hit.

Which state does Bloomberg win?

It’s not winner take all.

He was leading arkansas, and I figure something like NC, OK, two of those border states between the bernie and the biden colors. Then he wins FL and maybe NY and nothing else unless biden dropped.

Now, maybe he still wins one, he’s dropped but I still think Biden’s overvalued on PI and bloom is a little undervalued. (though he’s not favored to win a state now obviously)

Mother of god. Twitter is already such a huge disinformation platform for them. People are complaining in James Woods timeline that they can’t post his false propaganda tweet about Bernie’s tax plan on FB w/o it getting tagged as fake news. But twitter is fine with it.


Singer probably isn’t going to be like pushing for Pepe. He’ll be for blocking Chapo or Jacobin or anyone who criticizes Israel.

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Klobs quitting and endorsing Biden.

RIP Bernie/Klob, the dream is dead

