Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Pete dropping out before Super Tuesday makes the absolute most sense when you look at it as cynically as possible. I hope I’m wrong

Pete dropping didn’t move the contested convention market at all. Flat on the day at .60


That’s bananas imo, although it was probably a bit overvalued at .60.

This sort of number crunching is what 538 are good at, I would definitely take their delegate forecast over anything the betting markets have to say right now.

Here’s an explanation from Nate on why Pete dropping out shifted their forecast so much:

I would be shocked if their model is taking into account some estimate of the % of vote that is already in for states with early voting, namely CA.

Grunching. But I’ll take lobbiest inside a year at even money for money.

Nice touch from the forum software:

Welcome back, Jonny.


Joe Lieberman, tho

Xzibit: Yo dog we heard you like electoral colleges so we put an electoral college in your elec-

DNC: You had me at ‘electoral colleges’


He’s voting for Warren. That’s why I dug up and screenshotted those posts in the other thread. I wasn’t interested in a zinger, rather I wanted to know how prevalent that attitude is considering at this point the word on the street is Warren’s been a fraud. Did Iron think she was and is full of shit and that’s precisely why he supports her?


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Wait, also:


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Meanwhile Steyer & Bloomer lighting like 700 million so far on fire just to stop Bernie LOL.

I’ll say this for Buttigieg. Regardless of whether or not one thinks he was a good candidate or would’ve been a good president, it was a hell of a run. Just a few years ago, there’s no way a gay man would have made it so far in the process and garnered so much support. It really was a brave thing for him to do and hopefully we won’t have to consider a similar candidacy “brave” too much longer. Hopefully society gets to the point where it’s just a candidacy.


Yeah there is no denying the dude did incredibly well from where he started. Honestly it’s a shame he chose the path of establishment/centrism and all the dishonest attacks etc. He would have been a powerful ally this election and could have put himself in a great position in the future of the party which is obviously going to start going pretty hard to the left in the next decade or two, you know assuming we still have free and fair elections after 2020.

I mean maybe he can redeem himself but he definitely burned a TON of bridges with the future voters of the party.


Hope they got him a giant gold watch as a retirement present.


This is cool, although kind of just mental masturbation.

It seems like if Bernie can hold Texas and California (and everywhere else he should win), and pick off one of VA/NC, he’s in great shape.

Texas is close enough that Biden could overtake him with Pete out of the race–that’s going to be the big one to watch.

If Biden is awarded the nomination after a brokered convention I think he’s indicted by Barr’s DOJ on some trumped up corruption charges that will make “but her emails” look tame.


Tales from the wild: the arc of a centrist Dem over the last month and a half.

This acquaintance of mine is fervently anti-trump. And he is a lifelong Democrat. He’s also very vocal about who he supports which has been entertaining to follow over the last 1.5 months.

Very strong Biden supporter > Steyer curious > all in on Bloomberg > Bloomberg ROMNEY unity ticket > Bloomberg is a God-send > Biden is the comeback kid and I’ve loved him all along > BIDEN!! > Biden-Pete unity ticket.

Each time posting several times a week advocating for why we should all get behind his Moderate of the week choice. Oh and this is all after he shared this:

Outside of wanting Trump gone asap, these “Democrats” have so little in common with the progressive wing of the party. And their logic/reasoning for who they support is non-existent. They just want the status quo where their $100-$300k salaries are protected and they can feel like they are successful. They don’t actually care about helping people that are worse off than they are. At least they’re not racists, but the fact that they are in the same party as Bernie and AOC is a damn good argument for needing more than two parties.