Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Hilary should go back into the woods, dig a shallow grave, and lie in it. She seriously needs to shut the fuck up and fade into obscurity.

Lol my son knew how to do Spider-man hands when he was two

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A Pete supporter posted in the Bernie Sanders Dank Meme Stash FB page asking if they’d be welcoming to a Buttigieg supporter who lost his candidate. In 12 minutes the post has 2k likes and hearts and 700 comments. A quick glance shows every single comment is welcoming, kind, and understanding. Those damn mean Bernie Bros are at it again.




Mildly impressed Bloom’s texters have different scripts for “lean no” and “fuck off”.


Wow so you’re saying Bernie supporters are nice to people who say they will vote for Bernie? Huge if true.


But gonna be 1-2 weeks before CA results are well established. Deadline to mail ballots is Tues.

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Someone’s theory (iron I think) seemed to be that the BernieBros would tell them to fuck off, which is why coasterbrad made that post.

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Can you imagine if Sanders and Bloom are the only two over 15%?

I hate Bloomberg so much. Can’t believe I hate a Democratic candidate so much.

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Adios to CIA Pete!

Doubt most of his supporters are voting Bernie though

Holy shit just saw that Pete dropped out.

WTF Pete with the last-minute face turn going out like a god damn legend


The more I think about it, Bernie is totally fucked. The moderate vote was split just enough that he could have waffle crushed Super Tuesday. Instead his vote totals and delegate totals will more closely match, which is going to make it almost a certainty after Super Tuesday that we have a contested convention.

What’s more, they won’t have to ratfuck him that hard. He’s going to end up with ~40% of the delegates, maybe less. If Bloomberg drops and runs anti-Bernie ads, Biden will probably end up around 35% and it’ll be a pretty easy sell that 60% voted against Bernie, yada yada yada, rules are rules and he didn’t win it on the first ballot. Once the super delegates vote on the second, he’s dead on arrival.

Bernie needs to shake this race up and he needs to do it fast - maybe before Super Tuesday. He can’t play the game the normal way when they’re coordinating to keep his delegate count low enough to take it away in Milwaukee.

He needs to either get more people out of the race (ie cut a deal with Liz) or announce a VP or some cabinet secretaries who get him a ton of free media… Or hold a presser and basically declare war on the DNC and announce that the establishment is actively colluding to beat him and it’s not 1 v 1 v 1 etc it’s 5 on 1 against him. Say it’s legal but it’s dirty, and go on the offensive. Say nobody is going to have more delegates than him, we’ve seen what happens when we run status quo establishment types against Trump, and he’s the best/only chance to beat Trump. Say the only way we get the nomination is if everyone turns out to vote so that they can’t rob him again. Start endorsing and campaigning for Justice Democrats in primaries, start going to their rallies and having them to his, start encouraging his donors to give $27 to him and 2.70 to someone like Cisneros, etc. Make it clear that if they prefer a dirty fight to a fair fight, he’s going to hop in the ring and smack them in the mouth.

If he tries to just plod along and get the most delegates, he’s going to get a small plurality and we’re going to have Biden rammed down our throats.


I’m guessing the thought process behind this is now more people will cross the 15% threshold?

Yuge, absolutely yuge.

Yeah, Pete just tanked Bernie’s odds of a majority in the first ballot. Like Bernie’s chances were cut in half.

Well, my excitement lasted for about 10 minutes at least

Bernie will probably do well in Wisconsin and especially in Milwaukee. I mean on April 7th. I hope that translates to a shit load of pressure on July 13th.

Big demonstrations in Milwaukee might mean Bernie can win with a plurality of 45% instead of just 49%.