Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Yeah Chapo was great on this. Matt at his best: informed and enraged.

Drill baby drill.

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In that spot as a politician you straight up lie. Immediately and without regret. This is CNN trying to drive a wedge in between the progressive candidates… assuming your version of events is that CNN generated this and not the Warren campaign. The one thing we can be sure of is that Bernie didn’t seed this. Again that would be totally out of character and counter productive in the extreme.

I’m not saying Warren did this. I’m saying she needed to spin this with ‘that’s not something I recall my good friend Bernie saying’ (even if he said it) and then throw it at CNN like the grenade it so obviously is.

Just as likely someone in Warren’s camp thought that this was a good idea and leaked it without telling her. She should fire that person if she hasn’t already, but how to handle it was obvious the second the story came out. Confirming it is a huge fish move and an absolutely massive mistake.

If you really think that Elizabeth Warren absolutely cannot tell a lie the weak/honest answer would be ‘I’m not going to comment on private conversations I had with my good friend Bernie Sanders, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to distract the voters with false narratives like this’.

I actually do think too much of Warren morally to think she leaked this herself. At worst she told some people around her about a private conversation with Bernie where he was a bit worried about misogyny in the coming campaign. But that’s a very charitable reading, which is typically not how I treat people I actually respect. Respecting someone professionally includes expecting them to say/do the exceptionally smart thing. I absolutely expected that of a top Harvard law professor, US Senator, and the person who created the CFPB out of thin air.

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Is there any other candidate you expect making that kind of statement?

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Yeah Chapo was real good this week.

Their point about if people are afraid Bernie supporters will only vote for Bernie then they need to vote for Bernie too was good.

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What in the actual fuck.


Not that exact statement largely because I think it’s untrue and assign perhaps too little of the responsibility for HRCs loss to her gender.

But a statement like that where reality conflicts with how they would like the world to be? Literally every single one but Bernie. That’s almost the perfect definition of an idealist I think: someone who sees how the world should be and acts as if that’s how it is.

Good lord, Hillary was the most despised politico of my lifetime and she only narrowly lost, obviously a woman who isn’t terrible at politics could do it.


So you don’t like Sanders because he is not a liar?

I don’t like Bernie because he’s an idealist. Lots of idealists lie. Some of them a lot. Bernie is an honest man, that I don’t mind. I don’t consider lying to be a deal breaker necessarily though. Which lie and why matters a lot.

All the low information voters only know who sanders or biden is anyway (and don’t like either one all that much) so that stuff really didn’t matter in the end, they’ve all tuned out everything. (yes, still, even if they’ve heard of anyone else, they couldn’t tell you a single position they have)

Why steyer got those huge polls, there’s a lot of voters he’s the only one they know is even running.

This is warren’s only shot at POTUS, I hate the game more than the players, even when I hate the players.

I lol’d

Trump is barely a dog (or a flip or a slight favorite depending on which model you’re looking at) vs any dem and none of them have the hillary hatred. Sure, but not this cycle.

This whole episode was a glitch mob in the candidates’ harmonizing about stuff. amirite??

I wonder if Yang will do anything during the debate on social / etc

No you won’t.

Ayyy totally forgot about this. Got my book for the donation a month or two ago.


Yeah hard to believe that an alt right concern troll is concern trolling Dem candidates. Now I’ve seen everything.

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