Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


I think they thought it would be a win. It isn’t a win and so they are backtracking now. Would be several times Warren has done exactly that in the last year.

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How would they know whether it’s a win or not after one day? They have no polling. Red rose twitter getting mad? Mainstream media coverage of it leans in favor of Warren. It’s doesn’t make sense because your theory of the case is wrong.

There has been a pretty large backlash on twitter. You don’t think that has anything to do with them suddenly changing course today? It isn’t deniable that the Warren campaign’s stance today on this is different than yesterday. If it isn’t the backlash then why the sudden 180 in your opinion?


Because her funds have depleted like a sink with water, she fucked up badly by attacking her supporters… Even alough she was their 2nd choice they most all donated to the Warren campaign.

Most all progressive shows on YouTube have been in support of her and well… OMG did Warren take a beating on those shows last night, it was a bloodbath.

Good luck though with the centrists, because a lot won’t turn out for her now, I believe.

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It isn’t a 180 because they never pushed this attack to begin with. I have three fundraising emails from her from yesterday and one from today. None of them mention it.

Did you miss the part where it was Warren surrogates who were the sources for the story?

You understand there’s a lot of backbiting and catty bullshit in campaigns right? A campaign staffer talking to the media anonymously usually isn’t doing so on behalf of the campaign.

And what about 4 campaign staffers who all come forward at the same time to tell the same story. You don’t think there was any coordination there and it just was a coincidence?

Iirc it was two Warren staffers and two other people familiar with it. The way it works is someone feeds the story to the outlet, imo a decent chance it was someone from a different campaign who had heard the story trying to start some shit, and then the reporter has to confirm it, so they asked a bunch of Warren people.

yup, she already drew out the sexists.

Sure seems like that’s exactly what happened

New Chapo is pretty fire. Beltway garage episodes are my favorite non call of Cthulhu eps

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What does this even mean? The only people there were warren and sanders. How are these people “familiar with it”? That’s just journalist speak for a game of telephone.

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Yeah, I agree, and that is why I feel like my theory makes sense. Some Biden people said, “i heard so and so say that in a meeting with Warren, Bernie said x,” then reporter thought it was juicy and got “so and so” on background confirming it.

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I’m sorry but if your point is that I’m a sexist… yeah I don’t know man. For most of this forums history I’ve been the biggest Warren booster on this site. I’m also probably the single most anti Bernie person on this board who isn’t skydiver8.

There’s this thing that happens where people think that the way to be not x-ist is to pretend like minorities and/or women can’t do anything wrong. I disagree with this strongly. I think that putting people on pedestals is stealth x-ism that enables us to have higher expectations of those groups (and thus a massive double standard) than we have of white dudes.

Elizabeth Warren isn’t perfect. That’s OK. I still wish her well and a lot of why I’m coming across so angry in my last few posts in this thread is that I’m absolutely heart broken that she’s just probably blown up her main route to the nomination. I’m not going to give her a pass for that because she’s a woman. That’s sexist and greatly underestimates who she is as a person.

Basically if a woman does x and a man does x if you judge the woman more harshly because she’s a woman you’re a sexist… but if you give her a pass because she’s a woman you’re also a sexist, and it’s almost as harmful as being more harsh.

I don’t think Warren is lying because she’s a woman. I think she’s lying because she’s claiming something that doesn’t really fit with anything I know about the person being talked about, and I don’t even mean that in a good way. One of the things I like the least about Bernie is his total unwillingness to concede to reality on stuff. I’d like Bernie quite a bit more if he was capable of saying something like ‘I think it’s a bad idea for the party to run a woman in 2020 because misogyny is so obviously a big deal after HRC lost to Donald fucking Trump’. He’s not, and that’s a big part of what I don’t like about him.

I also don’t consider that last statement to be sexist in any way.

When you tell me someone did something totally out of character I get super skeptical. When the person telling me that is Elizabeth Warren I don’t immediately assume she misunderstood something because she doesn’t seem like the type to misunderstand anything. This is super super basic afaic.

I don’t underestimate women. My industry is probably 80% men but 65%+ of the absolutely top tier operators I know well are all women. You underestimate them and they’ll eat your lunch. From 2016-2018 my primary customer was a woman and she was hands down the best transportation person I’ve ever worked with. She had a mind like a steel trap, had a genius level emotional IQ (very important when your job is talking people into stuff and getting out of sticky situations), and essentially never made a mistake as long as I knew her. We worked together incredibly well and she was basically my boss with us working together 60 hours a week for six months out of the year. She retired, her replacement was some dickish dude and I promptly fired the customer.


and then when they asked Warren herself to comment, she confirmed the story. as in she said on the record that bernie told her that he thought a woman could not become president


Imagine being Biden sitting back, barely doing campaign events, catching a Murder She Wrote rerun at 530 and then hitting the sack after his evening oatmeal and just letting everyone else blow themselves up. What a dumpster fire of a primary season this has been for the Dems so far. Just about everybody has completely shown their ass and almost no one is going to come out of this looking very good.


If that’s what happened or how she understood the conversation, what is she supposed to say? I feel like people haven’t thought this through. “No comment” doesn’t make the story go away. If you look at her statement, it is not condemnatory towards Bernie at all. She actually says something like “this is not important and we agree on all the substantive issues.”

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