Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

It is. Giving Warren an exit ramp plays well with her supporters. Bernie is going to want them when she eventually drops out.

Maybe the lesson is that you need something divisive like a civil war to force moderates to get off the fence and pick a side. It doesn’t have to be literal war, but it should not be easy for them.

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Someone should ask him if the male candidate has an advantage against Trump if given a choice between two candidates who are identical except for gender.

So seems like terrible to go with Biden? What locks per day would he put on that would not be ripped off day 1 of gop 2024 president?



This forum when it suits their interests: “Warren needs to drop out and endorse Bernie so they’re not splitting the progressive vote!”
Also this forum when it suits their interests: “Warren is a former Republican neocon capitalist!”

Pick a side


All signs point to opportunism as her only point of consistency.


I canceled my monthly ActBlue contribution to Warren and told them that the
Bernie statement, walk back on M4A, are the reasons. Switched contribution to Bernie.


too late


Live look from Warren Campaign HQ:

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Nice troll.

Basically anyone who thinks any woman is ever faulty is a horrible misogynist according to your last bunch of posts. Do you have any posts about Tulsi?


If you don’t think these instant vicious attacks on Warren’s honesty have a gender component, ok man, do you. How is loling on Tulsi’s Assad water carrying and her vote on impeachment at all relevant?


Edit: Smacc25… I deleted the gross words in the post.


If you don’t think they have a gender component, you do you. Also if you don’t think the angry old zealous uncooperative thing that Bernie gets isn’t antisemitic, you do you.

So is this the reverse nunn move for ATC where you show up to brag about how wrong you were or what?

Like the guy yelling that Warren is a huge LIAR is also the guy who has by far the most and most extreme pro-Warren posts on the forum - and that’s not even close. Maybe it’s something else about that poster, dunno, but the angle you’re taking here sucks balls.

Sure looks like I was right, unless we’re supposed to believe that they launched the attack, having avoided doing that through the entire campaign, and then changed their mind 180 degrees after one day.