Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


What if he endorses Yang :thinking::infinity:

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Kinda weird to make a tweet with the words “as President” just a few hours prior to dropping out. What changed in that time?


The Twitter intern probably isn’t in the inner circle.

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This seems reasonable. It’s what I would probably do in her place. She supposedly withheld endorsing either candidate in 2016 (conspicuous as the only female Senator not to endorse Hillary) because she wanted to be able to influence the party and help unite both wings.

If Bernie is the nominee, she doesn’t want to be taken for granted and have her key issues of financial regulation and corruption given less of a priority (and I think she believes they should be more of a priority than M4A). She probably also wants some sort of apology for Bernie implying she was a liar on national TV when she sincerely believes she was telling the truth.

If Biden is the nominee, she wants the influence of being able to dictate at least some of his political appointments in the financial areas that are her specialty.

And maybe she doesn’t want to let Klob be the last person who can claim to be something other than a white male standing on the stage.

The Bernie Bros need to be able to threaten that it will be 1968 all over again if Bernie gets ratfucked. The centrists need to be able to threaten that they might defect in the general election to harm Bernie’s electability argument. That’s just GTO politics and I don’t begrudge anyone for doing that. Warren’s just doing the same thing. I was getting annoyed by how nice everyone was trying to make the campaign in 2019 and it’s more fun now that candidates are being aggressive in attacking each other.

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In all seriousness, if he endorses Klob or Warren in exchange for running mate, the chance for the first female president and first gay male VP and first male VFLOTUS would be irresistible.

How many heads would explode if Pete made a deal with Bernie?

Only state this will impact I think is Mass, Pete was running third there, could be enough to put the state to Warren.

Well Maine too (and I forgot I had Pete shares here still doh) but I have no idea if anyone would get enough that it would benefit.

All of them? That is pretty close to never happening.

only change is you’d all move him to the back of the guillotine list


Isn’t Pete the kind of guy who would choose to make a deal where he gets to be VP based on which candidate is most likely to die in office so that he can ascend to the presidency more than ideology?

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Isn’t Bernie the least likely to pick a rat Republican to be his VP?

If some weird Bernie-Pete ticket emerged, would you be more likely to re-evaluate your opinion of Sanders or Buttigieg?

Sure, I’d prefer if he picked an eligible member of the Squad as his running mate, but do you think Bernie is pragmatic enough to make a deal to avoid getting ratfucked?



I can’t stand Bruce arguing every side of every possibility

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Seen on my Facebook feed today (yeah yeah delete Facebook)

I agree with David Brooks about Mr. Sanders. Sorry, friends. If worse comes to worse, I will be in a terrible dilemma. I think, at this point, that I would hold my nose and vote Sanders over Trump, but in my mind, Sanders is nearly as bad as Trump.

Good god, well when asked…

What is the worst case scenario that happens under a Sanders administration?

Bernie refuses to compromise and the Republicans refuse to allow anything to get passed.

I think my head exploded, and this person ran for congress.

Also today

I keep reading posts and comments from Bernie supporters with the same old “if the Democratic Party steals this nomination from Bernie again, I’m staying at home or voting for Trump.”

That’s exactly how we got where we are. Bernie could have gotten behind Hillary Clinton and been a hero. Instead, he and his followers sulked on the sidelines.

Face it, folks, Bernie Sanders is never going to be President. Elect someone who will make him Secretary of HHS or Secretary of Education. Let him make a real difference there.

He can be a powerhouse behind a candidate who can beat Trump. He needs to put his ego aside.

Let me go delete Facebook real quick…

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I’m a poker player. I see everything in terms of ranges and probabilities.

Except for Bloomberg. I’m 100% “fuck that guy”.

538 updated their forecast of the race based on Buttigieg dropping out. The major effect is to sharply increase the probability of no delegate majority for anyone. This is true even though their model assumes fairly even distribution of his voters among remaining candidates, simply because it increases the chances that various candidates break the 15% delegate threshold in various places.

Black line no delegate majority %, blue line Sanders majority. The first big tick up in the black line right near the end was the SC results, the second is Buttigieg dropping out.


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It seems pretty obvious to me that Buttigieg dropped out in order to reduce Bernie’s chances and probably he was offered some sort of backroom inducement to do so. There’s no reason otherwise to drop out two days before Super Tuesday. This idea that he’s trying to save face and not get bad results seems like bullshit, this is still a good way to spread his national profile. Paging @skydiver8, your thoughts? Any idea why Pete decided to chuck all your efforts in California in the bin two days before the vote?