Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

You’re both very good posters, let’s re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-litigate 2016 some other time.


Not enough re’s. I’m gonna let it go. It’s been done and I don’t really want to argue with jmakin about it.


Would have laid odds that’s either shopped or a cardboard cutout.

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Fuck off, Pete.

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If it ends up with Bernie and Biden with runaway #1 and #2 I wouldn’t expect a large number of their delegates to give up and support Warren in the second round, unless maybe Bernie drops out with the plurality in order to have Warren over Biden? Seems like Warren playing for king maker is more likely.

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In the end - I really discovered a strong distaste for Pete. I liked him a lot earlier on and was really disappointed in the direction his campaign went. He had/has a lot of potential.

Iowa/New Hampshire definitely should be the first two states going forward, guy who does great among both is gone two states later.

Pete is probably smart to drop out now. Things will look worse for him later and he’s dropping out near peak. When it comes to future elections he’ll have less of the smell of losing. Having run for POTUS and won a state is a big career move for him.


Wow this was a big surprise. I too feel bad for Skydiver, even though I won’t shed a single tear for Pete. She put in a ton of work for Super Tuesday and now can’t even enjoy that.

tinfoil hat Biden paid him a million dollars to drop out /conspiracy

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VP picks generally aren’t fellow candidates but everytime something happens IS IT FOR THE VP???

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Pete dropping is pretty wild. Can we get some @skydiver8 first impressions?

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Check out how California is shaping up. From 538:

Sanders 33%, Biden 15, Warren 14, Bloomberg 13

Bernie is certainly likely to win, but small swings among the runners up will mean big swings in delegates. If the runners up can’t break 15%, Bernie might get 80% of the delegates and get a majority on the night regardless of results elsewhere. If they’re all viable, his haul might drop down to 40%. With most of the remaining delegates Tuesday in the South, he may not even get a plurality.

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Can’t imagine how much it would suck to put in a ton of work for someone just to have them drop out before they even really lost.

If you want to tinfoil hat that one, there’s only one person in the race who wouldn’t miss $1M.

Is it possible Warren helps Bernie by staying in through Tuesday? She might make it slightly less likely Biden/Bloomberg reach 15% in California.

It’s more likely Warren would hurt Bernie by claiming her own share of delegates. Those polls don’t reflect Steyer and Pete dropping.


My thought exactly. I’d bet on him having cut a deal with Bloomberg over Biden.

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I think it’s essentially the same thing. I’m not saying Bloomberg doesn’t want to be POTUS, but I think he wants to try to stop Bernie (and Warren to a degree as well - both the candidates with a wealth tax proposal). Pete dropping out is good for Joe, but that’s good for Bloomberg.