Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Sad news, an update on Pete supporters 2nd choice:

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As much as I don’t like Pete his campaign was really pretty much the ceiling he could hope for.

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maybe bernie said something to her that really pissed her off

That is so delusional/uniformed that I would feel guilty showing you how wrong you are.

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The dude basically tying Iowa as a gay mayor from bumfuck with no name ID is pretty impressive.

@skydiver8, we need a report. How are you doing?


Yeah Pete maxed out his potential which is impressive

I’m looking forward to a contested convention.

I’ve been looking at flights to Chicago where I can stay with relatives and get up to Milwaukee to burn stuff if necessary. Coronavirus has me balking though.

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Tulsi’s still in it isn’t she? Marianne with the magic aura is amazing.


Is she going to have even 10 percent of pledged delegates at the convention? The idea that she’ll get a brokered nomination is bananas. It’d be one thing if she had a chance herself to get the nom but she doesn’t. At BEST she’s playing to be Biden’s vp. I get why she personally would want that but her supporters need to realize that’s not a good reason for anyone to support her.

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Lmao ok dude. As usual all the hillary attacks are super dishonest and hypocritical.

Dude, here, from the #1 HillaryStan

First, she blames – at least in part – her loss in the 2016 election to President Donald Trump on Sanders’ slow-roll of an endorsement of her candidacy – and the lack of unity that signaled. (Clinton made similar allegations against Sanders in her 2017 memoir about the race, saying that Sanders’ attacks against her did “lasting damage” to her chances in the general election.)


Tulsi will be running for the 2020 presidency for the rest of her life


Warren is an obvious choice for a compromise between Berners and the eDems at a contested convention. It’s one of the reasons I like her.

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I dont see the part about people lying about him not supporting her. That thing you linked is exactly what happened.

I left this off, but was thinking adding (now this is where you say, but Bernie did actually cost Hillary the election).


Bernie did more events for Hillary than Hillary herself did.


Everyone knows that, but jmakin simultaneously thinks that’s bullshit and also that it’s true when Hillary says his lack of support cost her the election.

As I predicted, I am starting to feel guilty.

Lol spiking the football when you havent even substantiated your claim.