Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

It’s worth it.

When Biden gets stomped by Trump I don’t want to hear any bitching


From whom? Most people here expect Trump to beat Biden.

Everywhere but this forum that is not the case

It probably won’t be as bad as the toxic Hillarystans who blamed Bernie and to this day are lying about him not supporting her after the convention.

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Again, there is no reason to do this unless he’s making a play to be Biden’s VP.


Is it for sure? If true, quite a shock. I will have some conspiracy theories if he endorses Doomberg or ends up Biden’s VP pick or something like that.

Gotta say this is a great day to be alive.


Pete would have had at least some delegates he could have leveraged at the convention. Why would he not at least see that through?


Pete does the best in general polls of red areas of the country over every dem but I don’t see him being the VP.

Biden needs:


Pick three

You mean it will be worse?

I mean your comment is bullshit.

He’d have less than 50 since he won’t be viable in any big state. Probably nowhere near enough to leverage. The surprise of him dropping now is simply that he didn’t wait 2 days.

Warren’s campaign is openly saying they are looking towards a contested convention.

It is ridiculous and makes me regret originally supporting her. This is the kind of nonsense the Democratic Party does not need this cycle.


I don’t want more years of an Indiana VP, regardless of party.

in non incumbent years, dems have had 3 hard contested super close primaries in a row counting this one (obama/hillary, hillary/bernie, bernie/biden). They tried some stuff to make that not a thing (more super tuesday delegates) and it looks like that’s not going to work and maybe made it worse politically.