Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Are we experiencing a Pandemic or a Dempanic, word’s & letters are confusing too some… :thinking:




Does anyone see an appreciable difference between candidates in how well they would manage a response to something like the coronavirus if president?

I think it’s pretty important that people know they will be covered. We’re going to have a number of people die because they don’t want to seek care for financial reasons.

So yes, I think policywise universal healthcare would make a difference.

I think any of the Dems would be stronger than Trump because ego would not be involved. Trump is spectacularly pathetic.

I’m not counting differences in health care coverage policies. Imagine each candidate as president now dealing with the coronavirus within the context of our current health care infrastructure. Do we agree that all Democratic candidates deal with it better than Trump? Do any of then do it significantly better than other candidates or is their superiority to Trump based mainly on willingness to listen to the CDC and other experts?

538 considers South Dakota as being more representative of the dem party right now than South Carolina. I don’t buy that.

oh right, this is where I’m supposed to scream it must be because 538 is racist.

Yeah the CDC would be in charge likely led by a bureaucrat more competent and less sycophantic.

I don’t see a huge difference among the candidates here. All of them are self-aware enough to know they don’t have the answers.

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reports flying Pete dropped out

Nothing confirmed though.

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Not gonna lie I feel pretty bad for skydiver.




No need to feel bad she’s now part of the winning team

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Pete’s gonna snap endorse Biden

Why would he not be wait until after Tuesday, unless that was his intent?

Fucking Warren going to stay until the bitter end.

I’m fucking furious right now

Would you prefer he endorsed Bernie?

I mean this whole thread has called him a rat 1 million times, it’s not like you’re all gonna go OMG THANKS FOR THE ENDORSMENT now.

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I have the opportunity to see a bernie rally tomorrow, 1/2 hour drive, worth it or is a PITA? Parking would be rough I’m sure.


He’s probably going to read an elementary school essay about how he loved Joe Biden’s law school papers.

Iowa winner out before Super Tuesday is incredible if true.

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Dude, who cares what we call him? Obviously we want him to endorse our candidate.