Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Financial regulation and consumer protection have been Warren’s thing for decades. It’s the one area where she is completely 100% genuine, knowledgeable and passionate, and she is uniquely qualified for any related cabinet position.


lol ok

Hilarious movie. I highly recommend watching Joe Garagiola’s color commentary of the Westminster Dog Show before you see it.

His money problems have been somewhat overblown because campaign cash on hand doesn’t track PAC and SuperPAC money, and regardless, the money will be rolling in as he becomes the perceived centrist favorite son to stop Bernie the Socialist from turning America communist.

Yeah but super Tuesday is in 3 days. It’s too late for them to do a whole lot for Biden, So I’m basically thinking Bernie crushes Super Tuesday hard because Biden hasn’t been able to do much in those states without money.

After super Tuesday yeah the superpac and max contributions will roll in on Biden for sure, but I’m hoping the Bernie crush will put him in a great position with momentum and people getting behind him going forward.

I feel like ads are only half the equation. I feel like ground game is also a huge part of it and Joe doesn’t have one at all in a lot of these states.

But we shall see. If Bernie doesn’t crush super Tuesday hard he’s probably toast and our democracy is in route to full failure.

Is Tuesday the biggest day of our American lives?

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Probably. I need some xanax.


yeah in all likelihood im gonna get nothing done at work Tuesday because of all the stress watching the results come in, seeing people in poll lines, the drama of people getting unregistered to vote and disappearing off voter rolls, etc. I was thinking about calling in sick, but then i was thinking i might need to call in sick wednesday if tuesday doesnt go well (or if it does go really well…)


Yeah I get that, but I don’t think anyone would argue that she’s the foremost SME or anything. I have to imagine we could do better (we could actually hire the best people!) and not bring Brutus to the party at the same time.

You say this as if we haven’t been in full failure mode for three years.

Yeah but we still have a chance to save the democracy in November. After that it’s all over and we’re now a fascist country hard right country with an extremely right wing supreme court for most of the rest of our lives.

Right now its super bad but there is hope, Trump wins again and there is zero hope. It’s all over.

Although now that I think about it finding an unapologetic leftist who has ultra mega elite knowledge about banking regs could be a challenge :joy:

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Biden’s biggest problem is that a bunch of Texas and California have already voted, especially Texas, where he could have a chance to win.

We’ll have no choice but to turn to old faithful


Some good news to warm our hearts after SC

AUSTIN — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has roared into the lead in Texas in the Democratic presidential race, with Mike Bloomberg and Joe Biden locked in a battle for second, a new Dallas Morning News -University of Texas at Tyler poll has found.

Sanders, who trailed Biden among Hispanics in the same survey late last month, has vaulted to a 42% to 18% lead over the former vice president among Latino Democrats and Latino independents who lean Democratic, according to the poll. And unlike in previous UT Tyler polls, in which Sanders trailed Biden, he now leads among all Democrats, with 29%. Bloomberg has 21%, while Biden, in third, draws the support of 19%.

The margin of error for the latest poll, conducted Feb. 17-26, is plus or minus 4.05 percentage points for the 586 likely voters who indicated they would vote in the Democratic primary. For all 1,221 registered voters surveyed, it’s plus or minus 2.8 points.




A challenger appears


:point_up_2: @BernieBro’s

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:roll_eyes: OK Who called this flip-flop?

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