Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Secretary of :snake:



46 million.

Holy Shit!

Yuge numbers. Yuge!


Man Warren just keeps getting worse and worse the more desperate she gets in this election. She got less votes than Steyer in SC and has no chance at winning the nom so she decides to attack Bernie?? Such a progressive ally lol fuck off with this bullshit



Wow. You cant make this stuff up. Unless you’re Pete. Then that’s all you can do.

Also wtf Liz? She is just continuously disappointing.


Honest question, why? She’s proven untrustworthy and anyone can regulate banks if they’ve got the big stick.

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I gotta admit, @Vict0ar nailed it in regards to Warren. She is not apart of the progressive movement.

Problem is this country is so fucked up there aren’t really many people better than her. I don’t expect any help from her going forward even after she gets crushed on super Tuesday.

Still her Supporters love Bernie and more and more and switching their votes. They clung to hope she could turn it around and still win but they’re all realizing she can’t now. i expect most of them to go to Sanders after Super Tuesday regardless of what Warren does.


I really don’t count on her supporters coming to sanders tbh.

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They did in NV in a huge way and every Warren supporter I’ve ever talked to which is a decent amount have Sanders as their #2. Two of the undecideds I convinced to switch to Bernie when I canvassed basically had Warren as their #1. The only one I didn’t get to support Sanders was a Joe Biden supporter. Well I hope I convinced them, who knows if these people actually follow through with what they say lol.

I mean we got a ton of Warren → Sanders people on this forum including me. The others are just slower to realize she has no chance.

The reason it seems like this is Bernie fans only run to drag her here when she says something they can attack her from the left and it pops up on their Twitter feed. Being not quite as far left as Bernie is not a sin.

It’s a similar phenomenon to Trump fans legit thinking that Trump’s approval rating is 50%. Because the outlier polls are what gets amplified through the derposphere.

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That said I’m a lil shook by Bidens win in SC, he might crush in the south. Although he has a big money problem and hasn’t and can’t spend much money across all the states, and he doesn’t have the super Clyburn endorsement in the other states.

So I’m hoping he crushed SC because he was able to focus is small amount of resources on one state and had a super endorsement, but when its a ton of states at once and he is nearly broke he won’t be able to do that well across multiple states.

So she gets dragged for her poor and or inexplicable decisions? Shocking report from sauce Iron81. Keep em coming buddy.

lol nobody has said not being as left as Sanders is a sin. Whats a sin is attacking him and helping Joe Biden while claiming to be a progressive. She’s super disingenuous. If her goal was to get progressive policies done she is doing the exact opposite of what she should be doing.

She’s hurting the progressive movement and she’s hurting the country. If the convention is a mess because Bernei doesn’t a huge lead in delegates and they end up taking it away from him although he won the most votes by a significant but not crushing margin, then trump is going to win and Warren will share the blame for destroying democracy in this country.

Maybe you still don’t count on them, but Warren → Sanders describes about a third of the people here.

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  1. You’re wrong.

  2. You’re concern trolling, right? Who are you voting for?

  3. Anyone describing themselves anywhere left of center shouldn’t have a Twitter feed - not anymore.

I honestly think some here believe that if Bernie started taking super PAC money tomorrow that his supporters would shrug and say the game is the game. I assure you this isn’t the case.

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One of my philosophies in life is to not knee jerk about some piece of news in my Twitter feed being outrageous unless I know why it was done. The reason why it was done is usually benign or laudable. That doesn’t mean both sides everything, but if you don’t even know what the other side is, that’s not good.

@microbet I’m voting for Warren unless she drops before then. Steyer was my 2nd, now its down to Bernie or Klob.

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You may have let your expectations get too high. Like, look at skydiver’s post - a potential delegate for Pete who has Bernie as her #2 pick is less than 100% sure she’d vote for him in the second round if he had a 20 point lead over the #2. Bernie has always had to get at least very close to 50% and even at his best he’s barely done well enough that we can keep hope alive. He’s doing great. He’s probably going to get more votes than anyone else. But, it’s still a big uphill battle.


Oh yeah I’m fully aware ratfucking is on the menu big time, I’m just hoping that Bernie has a big delegate and vote lead at the end so and least I can hope the democratic party at least considers doing the right thing.

So if Bernie gets 40% and Biden gets 20% and the rest get whatever, there is at least some hope they do the right thing. But if Biden surges and its 35% vs 30% or some shit there is legit 0 chance Bernie wins the convention.