Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

One in 4 Bloomberg supporters with Bernie as their second choice is fucking hilarious to me. Like, hilarious in a depressing way because people are fucking idiots.


Yeah it was pretty evident when they were interviewing people at the Iowa caucus that fucking lol the average voter.

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Meanwhile on CNN this morning



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Followed by this one where dude is just trying to get someone, anyone to take the mic away…

LOL, this gif made being forced to see the Big V’s post worth it.

And Bernie will definitely not be the second choice of one in four Bloomberg delegates.


Nah its lol your takes. Bernie has been the most popular politician in this country since I’ve been following politics. And voters are dumb and decide their votes not on ideology but random dumb shit.

Current ratfuck concern meter: 7.5/10

They want to do it sooooooo bad, but if he ships CA/TX it’s gonna require epic scumbaggery.

Seems unlikely he can lose them with 70%+ latino vote.

Whether or not someone is a good person, honest, actually cares about people and the world aren’t policy, but aren’t completely lol either. But a lot of people can be fooled. There are a lot of people who think Trump is looking out them.

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Most people who vote Bloomberg only get one vote. Their second choice is irrelevant. The second choice only matters for hand-picked Bloomberg supporters.


Alright boys I pulled the trigger. I’m knocking on doors for bernie


The thought of what might transpire if vict0ar knocks on the door of a warren supporter (or, gasp, a buttigieg supporter) is both intoxicating and frightening!


Again, if the best outcome is perma-irrelevance for Matthews it’s a good year


Jfc, if he does this on the air… I can’t even imagine.

Matthews has been irrelevant for years, but unfortunately he still has a tv show. Sooner or later the second will no longer be true.

The average age of cable news viewers who actually watch the commercials is 127. He’s relevant to their audience and they don’t mind when he talks about the gams on that dame.

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Chris Matthews is basically a Fred Willard character shouting.