Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Obama was way more popular as a candidate than Bernie come on. (unless you’re referring to about four days ago as when you started following)

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Bloomberg bought 3 minutes of airtime on CBS and NBC to issue an address to the nation on coronavirus. I think it’s airing tomorrow night.

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Chapoooooo :heart:


I remember seeing lots of polls even in 2016 that Bernie had the highest approval rating of any politician in the country. Even lots of Republicans who don’t agree with him at least like him, well before they got fed constant propaganda.

But I could definitely be wrong on this

Alright boys I just finished the canvass. Couple things.

I’m in the most conservative district in CA I believe, district 8. We mostly did a 55+ neighborhood. Shockingly 7 out of 10 democrats we talked to already strongly supported Bernie. Two older ladies who mostly spoke spanish included.

We had two undecideds and I must say I’m good at this. I got both to lean strongly towards Bernie by basically just making the same case I did with my mom.

Things I learned. try to get a friend to go with you if possible. I got paired with kind of a doofus. I mean I’m still stoked he was out there canvassing for Bernie but he just made terrible arguments. talked about how he was a ron paul supporter and believed in small government and how he doesn’t believe Bernie wants to give welfare smh. He also got in a 15 minute debate with a Trump supporter who pulled over despite me telling him lets go 15 times. Kept saying we need to talk to them blah blah, like do that on your own time smh.

Anyways. That was awesome. I might go canvass more tomorrow on my own with the app. Got tons of flyers etc left over.


Thank you for doing that :+1:


Yeah, thanks. District 8? Jeez. I’m really sorry. I hope you’re up by Mammoth or some place nice, but ur probably in Victorville or something huh?

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Yucaipa. I used to live in redlands which was much, much better but I’m up here now for my mom. I mean its not too bad where we’re at.

If my moms was in victorville I’d tell her lol GL.

Yucaipa is not too bad as long as it’s not summer?

Road trip to Jesus Mountain/Slab City?

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Yeah there is actually some cool stuff up here. There are some super cool apple orchids that have been killer spots to take dates. There is one that has an early american colonial theme and I took a date there and we dropped acid. Was super dope. Plus lots of hiking up in the mountains, especially forest falls.

I’ve never been to either, never even heard of jesus mountain. At first I thought it was this weird christian camp up the mountain on the way to forest falls. I stole a bow & arrow from there when I was a teenager :rofl:

Was that an invite to go? Lets do it!


@StimAbuser fuck yeah.

Thank you.


My 17 yo has wanted to go to salvation/Jesus Mountain for a long time. I will definitely let you know when we get the chance to get out there.

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Everyone was saying that black people like Bernie best?

Nationally they do

So black people in the South are more establishment/conservative?

The South is very conservative across the board.

I think older people of every race trend more moderate than their younger counterparts. South Carolina’s electorate trends older.

Democrats in South Carolina are socially conservative. 42% of Democrats in SC think abortion should be illegal in all/most cases.

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