Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

What if you think that people who tell the truth are more trustworthy? I assume people want her to be President because they have some faith that she will execute certain policies, not just because they think she’s great regardless of what she plans to do or what she might compromise on.

I think we’re saying the same thing? If people want her to be President because they have some faith that she will execute certain policies, and if changing her position on SuperPACs will help her get elected, then they should be for her changing positions, right?

I don’t know. Only if they have perfect faith in her executing those policies regardless of whether or not she misrepresents her positions in order to get elected. I certainly think that might cause some people to lose faith.

And this is somewhat hypothetical/academic as we’re not exactly defining what we’re talking about and it’s basically just compared to Bernie who is close to maxed out in trustworthiness for a politician imo. Not quite AOC trustworthy, but close.

Given the likelihood of a contested convention, Warren has a lot more power in that situation with regard to the vice presidency. She can probably force it if she wants it.

Yeah, I hear ya. I think we’re saying the same thing. It’s sort of a Catch 22. TO be honest, though, I can say pretty confidently that if most Bernie fans were given a crystal ball that told them that he could become president but only if he reversed positions and took SuperPAC money tomorrow, they’d be OK with that. And I’d agree with them.

That’s only just a dumb counterfactual, but I think it gets across the small point I’m making.

She’s losing, this is her hail mary. If she’s not your first choice, it looks worse than it is (snake-like or some other nonsense). If she is your first choice, it looks closer to what it is (desperate). Perspective is everything here imo.


Also, AOC just once again praised Stacy Abrams, who Bernie fans assure me is some kind of fraud, so, again, perspective.

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I’m not at all sensitive to that kind of crap. If Stacey Abrams has done some things that are good then AOC should say it regardless of who Abrams has associated with or what TV shows she’s going on. Hell, AOC can say something nice about Chuck Schumer for all I care.


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I heard about this on NPR. I guess there were some article headlines " Newsom endorses Warren " and even the people on NPR were like wtf thats some dishonest bullshit clickbait right there lmao.

I want to know who Joanna Newsom endorses.

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No matter who she endorses it will always be second to Kimberly Guilfoyle.

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Steyer is making the most of the last few days of his presidential campaign…

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The gathering floozies afford to be choosy, all sneezing darkly in the dimming divide.


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I’d take it, I think there’s a needle that can be threaded whereby you take the $ and then ban PACs as president.

So one reason I see as to why someone else should win a contested convention instead of Bernie is what if the moderate candidates get a high total of delegates together, say Bernie has 35% and 2 moderate candidates behind him have 25% and 20% or some scenario like that but I feel this is such a stupid way to go about it. Most polling (including the one below) show Bernie as a 2nd choice for Biden voters so this kinda throws a wrench into the idea of a “moderate voting block.” All the people that use the above argument imagine that people in the US have straightforward politics and who they vote for is based on their policies or perceived place on the right-left scale but we know that’s not true.


I got them moves like Steyer


hahahha fucking white people.


Joe Biden: “As long as I have a breath in me, I’m going to see to it that things change”

lololololooolololololololol… Yeah, you’re the change things guy, Joe …lololol


Bernie advertisements and texts telling me this that last day in the FEC deadline to donate before super tuesday, dunno if that matters or not but fuck it get your donations in boys.

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