Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

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I’m enjoying reading these left-to-right

Smart young gay
Gay young centrist
Gay inexperienced liar

Joe’s is also hilarious:
Old good vice president
Old corrupt vice president
Old, creepy, stupid liar

Good, old, smart socialist
Good old socialist
Old socialist

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This shit is why we definitely shouldn’t have free college for all until the problems are fixed.

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President Bumbling Jerk is the most accurate.

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Of the candidates with a shot in hell of the nom, Bernie is the one Republicans don’t think “liar”.

still muted this thread, but I wanted to pop in to say that y’all should thank Liz Warren and her Super PAC hypocrisy…she’s out of #2 for me and now my #2 is Bernie. I still don’t think snake is the right thing to use to describe her, but I can’t find a “no backbone” emoji, so whatever works.

As Pete said, don’t try to enforce purity tests that you yourself can’t pass.

back to my sleepless weekend!



I feel visceral anger whenever I see this gif idk why

America’s Ass incoming

I feel like it embodies her post perfectly.

There might still be value in it as a GOTV effort or for fundraising purposes.

It also legitimises chapo as a media outlet (they got in the spin room at one of the debates) which most would consider a win for Bernie. I’d imagine most people who listen to chapo for any length of time generally become Bernie Bros.

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Gdamn well there’s a gif in there worth watching



Perhaps the most damning thing about Liz is that the New York Times and Washington Post are not writing things like this about her.



I actually don’t care about superPACs in the dem primary, so I’m moving Liz back ahead of Sanders. I also still don’t know what Pete stands for, so he remains a little bit lower, just beyond the realm of possibility.

LOL these are reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy bad posts.

Even if you’re fine with her using a SuperPAC you should be worried about her flipping her position on yet another big issue.

Meh, if she’s who you want to be president, you should be OK with it (I mean, unless you think it’s bad politics. And as a Warren fan, I’m a bit skeptical of her nose for what’s electorally savvy).