Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I don’t know.

Sort of like Trump going on Alex Jones.

There is an interview itt whete she says the circumstances in the race have changed because other candidates are taking pac money so shes going to allow superpacs to help her campaign.

It was clearly an effort from her campaign to get super pac help


There’s gotta be like a 10% chance bernie gets all the CA delegates that everyone else gets 12-14% and just misses the threshold.

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Warren is at the take the PAC money or give up stage of her campaign. She took door #1.

Naturally none of that money is being spent in MA, lots of it being spent in places she has 0.000% chance of winning like AL.

They’d have to all miss the threshold in every congressional district in CA. That’s not happening.

I’m concerned that Bernie will crush the big cities and be splitting delegates everywhere else.

I thought CD’s were mostly just a caucus thing.

That’s still a huge amount of delegates for him though.

Bernie is getting obliterated outside of the cities. Obviously crushing in them.

They were a thing in NH too. IIRC there was a chance Klobs wouldn’t be viable in one of the CDs until fairly late into the night, but she ended up viable in both.

CA has district level delegates. If you look at 538’s primary model by state, they show predictions down to the district level.

ETA: “California will award 415 pledged delegates: 144 will be given out based on the statewide vote, and 271 will be given out based on the vote in its congressional districts.”

I did something of a fist pump listening to the latest episode of The Daily heading into South Carolina. They interviewed people about Biden and what stood out was people saying they want him because he’s been with them for so long that they feel allied and like they can trust him, but they’re also looking at electability, and they are looking at Bernie because they say no one else excites the population like Bernie.

When the interviewer said, “What’s more important: policies or electability?”

The interview subject said, “Electability is policy.”

It’s more important she get over the viability threshold than winning states.

Congressional District delegates are a thing in all states. There are more of them than statewide delegates.

DemE is firmly in the bargaining phase. This thing is all over but the tears. Do the right thing or destroy the party ¯_(ツ)_/¯



I honestly do think he will get the nom. I’m more concerned about him getting MLKd than anything. But if he doesn’t get the nom the destruction of the party is a pretty great fail outcome.

He’s got all the shooters. Bloomberg does too but they are just paid shills with no passion. Feeling good fam.

If you think that less than 2% of the other candidates delegates are going to Bernie on the 2nd ballot when he gets 49%, that says more about you than the eDems.

Victor has been having a normal one for a few months now.

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Obviously capital is the real enemy here, but the vehicle it has to work through, for the nomination process at least, is the Democratic party, an incompetent organization comprised entirely of fail sons and daughters. Also lawyers. I don’t think they are competent enough to deny him this time.

After he gets the nomination all bets are off though

Yeah it could be a total mask off moment like bam here’s your totalitarian fascism. I’m trying to be more positive though :sweat_smile:

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In round 2 the superdelegates are added. So instead of needing a majority of 3800 pledged delegates, you need a majority of 4600 or so total delegates.

Keep hand waving away though.



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Not going to bother trying to bypass the paywall for this swill, just want to say that if Liberalism is at the point where David fucking Brooks is the arbiter of it, then we should be celebrating its downfall. Fuck that.

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