Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Shhh. Unstuck Todd (or was he the Chris Mathews of Unstuck?) doesn’t care about reality dude. Let him enjoy Bidens big weekend before he goes manic on Super Tuesday.

Just realized Bernie would absolutely waffle crush the general because he can truthfully hammer Medicare for all and giving workers a month of vacation would do the absolute most to contain the spread and devastation of the Coronavirus. And our current midevial policies are going to fuck us. Even if you already have insurance you love your grocery store workers don’t. Plus proper funding for the cdc

It would be a landslide

Or we can try to prevent it before we all end up in camps maybe?

Would you have supported Humphrey or Wallace in '72?



Lol at Bloom getting 15% here

To the extent they just don’t agree with Bernie’s platform then fine. I hope they change their minds but personally I’m not going to argue with people voting for their preferred candidate.

By that same token I’m tuning out the nonsense from those Warren supporters (not saying they fall in this camp) who supposedly mostly agree with Bernie but wilfully throw their vote away on a non viable candidate.

Was going to post this. There will be people on this forum who said it will never happen and will change that to it’s just following the rules and completely fine.


Narrator: Nixon.

There are people reading this forum that would say this today. Rules are rules after all!

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I don’t understand how anyone can watch these debates and give Biden 25%. I mean there is an argument to be made about Biden’s electability in a 1v1 vs Trump, but if a person thinks his debate performances have been anywhere close to encouraging, they are living on a different planet where up is down and ketchup is better than a steak marinade.

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Those tweets are not contradictory. SuperPACs are independent by definition. It’s illegal for her to get one to not buy ads. My only criticism would be implying that not taking SuperPAC money is a brave stand, rather than required by law.

GTFO with this. Everybody, for the last year, has understood that saying no to superPACs means no ads, no money spent. You are hopelessly naive if you think there is no collaboration going on here.

Like do you think it’s a coincidence that Warren publicly changed her tune about superPACs at the same exact time that a superPAC formed running ads on her behalf? How convenient! And weirdly Bernie, who has not been a scumbag on this issue, still has no superPACs running ads for him.

Although I’m not going to check the accuracy of this, she probably reacted to the formation of the SuperPAC. Warren is a LawSis after all.

I had a random thought, which was: mad respect to Bernie for getting interviewed on Chapo (Virgil Texas did it, it’s boring, I don’t recommend listening). When you think about it, his team must have known who Chapo were, and there’s just 0 upside to doing an interview with them as 95% of their audience are Bernie people anyway and the ones who aren’t won’t be swayed by some dull interview. The downside is that he might get painted as an Extreme Socialist for associating with them. As far as I can tell, he did the interview with them simply because he considers them part of his movement. I think that’s pretty cool.


Why would her reaction not be “I do not want this group to run ads on my behalf, I am rejecting their support”?

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O/U on how much of that goes exclusively to bashing Bernie? I’m gonna say about 9mil

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This is a lock to happen no matter what and he knows it. So if that’s the downside there’s no downside. Maybe more that movement building isn’t just convincing people, it’s also inspiring the existing supporters, friendly interviews is more of that sort of work.

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