Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Who got the most votes? Not that you care.

Also, no one really knows who should have received how many delegates in Iowa this year or any year ever. DUCY?


Saw an anti-Bloomberg commercial from Steyer. Nice. Billionaire fight.

Bernie says the same kind of shit. It’s wrong but good politics if polling is to be believed.





i was gonna guess Liz or maybe Pete because gayness

The picture actually cuts Bloomberg’s wealth off lol

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A vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy?


A vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy!

doing this bit will not get old to me :grinning:


Fucking hell. No one needs that much money. No one.


I questioned if that was true, but doing some amateur estimating work that actually looks right. Once again show why Steyer is a billionaire, but Bloomberg is a FUCKING billionaire

An infamous incident took place late in the campaign. McGovern was giving a speech and a Nixon admirer kept heckling him. McGovern called the young man over, said “I have a secret for you” and whispered in his ear, “Kiss my ass.”[48] The heckler confirmed this to an inquiring journalist and the remark was widely reported. By the following night, “KMA” buttons were being worn by people in the crowds at McGovern rallies.

This forum definitely would’ve loved george mcgovern.


I mean that sounds more like a Biden play to me. Did you watch the video upthread where a trump guy yells at Bernie and he basically converts him in like 10 mins?


Way better for us to all apply to be delegates for Biden/Bloomberg/Warren. So that way when they try the ratfucking we can refuse and go to Bernie.

No idea what the standards are to become a pledged delegate though. Like do you have to have donated a bunch and volunteered for that candidate? I’d assume so, and that probably negates most of our defense. Unless some former hardcore Warrens supporters are now fully on board the revolution train, which I doubt.

I guess we could all start donating a tiny amount and volunteering for them now, go knock doors and just be super terrible at your job lol. But I think they will choose people who donated a ton and volunteered a ton so it’ll actually backfire.


Alright boys I got it.

Donate the max to your most likely rat fucker in the convention. Volunteer as much as you can, but still be super bad at your job.

Get picked to be a delegate for said candidate. Then immediately do a charge back. Like put the campaign on hold after they tell you you’ve been selected and call your bank. Record the call. Or I guess if you gotta sign something official wait for that.

Get a couple hundred people to do this and our country is saved.

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Kinda crazy how I went from one of the biggest " they’re not gonna ratfuck him if he has a wide lead in popular vote or wins the most states. That would be an automatic loss to Trump and collapse the establishment wing of the party faster than Bernie ever could "


" alright there is a good chance they’re gonna ratfuck him unless its something crazy like 45% vs 20% 15% 10% 10% " and even then that’s very live because they’re fucking idiots and their donor masters are demanding it.

This is a great example for radical centrists like @iron81 or @simplicitus that it’s possible to change your opinion if you’re being honest with yourself when the evidence becomes clear


I really wish the eDems were challenged on this more. It seems like most of their bragging about being able to reach across the aisle just means conceding results to the Republican agenda. They should be called out on that more when they try to frame it as a strength.


meh, worry about the ratfucking when it’s possible. Still a long ways away

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I’m probably more of a centrist than simplicticus. He just places greater significance on the rule of law than some here, which makes sense because he’s an attorney.