Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

It’s not a lie but she’s clearly being dishonest. It’s in the 2nd video I posted. Bernie supported him winning over super delegates of states HE WON. In 2016 most of the super delegates declared for Clinton immediately. Which first obviously gave her all the momentum, made it look like she had a crushing lead when she didn’t. And second he just said he should be able to win super delegates in states he won in a landslide. Which is just super delegates actually representing the people.

What Liz wants to do is the opposite, have states Bernie won Super delegates come over to her at the convention.

Ones democratic and representing the people who voted the other isn’t.

So she’s clearly being super dishonest trying to imply Sanders had the same position she does.



This. The dishonesty is glaringly obvious. The superdelegates not voting for the winner of the state is ridiculous, is never what Bernie argued for then or now, and Liz obviously knows this.

So just out of curiosity, what happens if the eventual nominee succumbs to corona virus before the general election?

(originally posted this in wrong thread by accident)


He has released his plans, which of course you know, and I have no idea why I’m bothering to reply to your shitty post.

But even if he hadn’t released specifics, how do we pay for anything? We borrow and tax. Why would this be any different?

In conclusion, you, iron81, are a bad person and you should feel bad.

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I assume Clay’s preferred candidate has been outperforming 2016 Bernie, right?

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Ummmm he can’t be serious right? In 2016 there was 2 candidates with more than 1% support. Or did I just get trolled

Clay appropriately getting dragged in literally every reply to that tweet. Stupid people shouldn’t be allowed to opine on politics.

Lmao he is a Klobuchar fan. Wtf reality is this


He’s serious. I’ve seen idiots that don’t understand math use this argument a lot in the past few weeks. Looking at his feed, it looks like he’s a soldier in the Kloucharmy.

Yeah… that’s pretty dimwitted.

Clay Aiken’s face looks like Mantecore’s next meal

Alright this is legitimately a good bit:


Great reply. MATH!


Ooh, ooh, let me try:
Trump has literally done BETTER in every primary/caucus year than he did in each of them in 2016.
Iowa … 24.3% (in 2016) vs 97% (in 2020)
NH … 35.23% vs 86%
NV … 45.75% vs 100%(!!!)
SC … 32.5% vs primary cancelled

How can anyone say he is LOSING?

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An exchange between Bernie and a Trump supporter discussing M4A. If only people would listen to him with an open mind they would see he i fighting for all of us. I think this guy started to see the light by the end of the video.

This was from September in Carson City, NV.