Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

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Wow, man, you’re an attorney, this is a bad take. That’s not what is going on here, you should know better.

Bernie: “The US should have benefits resembling Western Europe.”

The Establishment:


Didn’t we all go through this faith in the intelligence/justice/whatever community already? The cops are pretty much all Republican loyalists from the leaders of the spy agencies and justice department to the cops on the beat.

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I will go of possible. Not likely, but I want to.

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Reality check about voters: 39% of Bloomberg voters are also considering voting Sanders, and 22% of Sanders voters are also considering voting Bloomberg.

I also think it’s funny how everyone is cool with Warren, but nobody is actually voting for her, which I guess is the problem with being the compromise candidate in a large field, i.e. there is no reason for anyone to compromise.


The only correct answer to “How will you pay for it?” w.r.t. M4A is “Medicare for all costs less than the status quo. It’s not how we pay for it. It’s what we do with the savings.”




And I don’t even have a problem with that. If Bernie wants to campaign in poetry, that’s fine. I trust him to come up with something revenue wise or at least be upfront with borrowing. I just objected to treating rational policy making as something to be mocked.

It’s about how the Palestinian Castro will be discussed 70 years from now.

I’m surprised they have the fucking audacity.


Cherokee slaveowners took their slaves with them on the Trail of Tears, the forced removal of Native Americans from their original lands to Indian Territory. Of the Five Civilized Tribes removed to Indian Territory, the Cherokee were the largest tribe and held the most enslaved African Americans.



Considering the fact that her only road to the white house is from a brokered convention, that’s her best strategy. I don’t see her attacking Bernie again in this campaign.

Half of those states haven’t been polled at all in the last month.

Grunching by a couple hundred posts, but wanted to comment on a couple things…

This is a thing I’ve noticed from the very start with Pete, but I don’t have a big problem with it. Obama is the most talented orator we’ve seen in politics in America in a long, long time, and Pete grew up in politics watching him speak. To model some of his habits in terms of inflection and delivery is not surprising.

I actually like this strategy for her. She’s best at dunking on horrible candidates, that’s where she eats. Bernie is best at posting up, backing it down, and laying it off the glass - aka hammering the message over and over again.

Liz wants to turn this into a slam dunk contest, Bernie just wants to back everyone down in the paint.

At this point there’s an awful lot of hanging on going on in case Biden falters and a lane opens up. Everyone knows he’s deeply flawed, and they’re trying to hang in as the backup NeverBernie candidate.

Anyone catch Liz town hall? Not sure what happened but #primarywarren is trending number one on twitter.

Warren is just a fucking constant massive disappointment.

Here it is

What an unbelievable dishonest hack. I say this as someone who has constantly defended her. Like we all knew this is why she was still in the race, but trying to justify it this way is pathetic.

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It just now occurred to me that how many delegates a winner gets out of a state depends more on how the runners up do than the winner.

Bernie had a big win in Nevada, earning more than double the “votes” (county delegates, used interchangeably) of the runner up Biden. He also got 2/3rds if the delegates, while Biden got 25%. That’s what Bernie wants, if he keeps repeating that he’ll be the nominee.

In third place was Pete with 14% of the vote, not viable statewide, but enough to get 9% of the delegates via CDs. That was a break for Bernie, if Pete gets 2% more of the vote, his delegate count roughly doubles by becoming viable statewide and Bernie’s haul drops to a bare majority.

A bare majority not enough to make up for states where he doesn’t do as well in like New Hampshire. Bernie won there too, but because 3rd place (Warren) got 20% of the vote, Bernie only wound up with 38% of the delegates, tied with Pete and Warren got 25%. That’s bad.

Bottom line, whenever 3rd place makes it to 15% of the vote, they’ll get at least 20% of the delegates. You figure 2nd gets 30% or so of the delegates and all of a sudden, 1st is capped at 50% regardless of how big the vote margin is. On the other hand, if 3rd place is at 10%, they get no delegates and 1st scoops up 60-80%, putting him on the path to the nomination.

what exactly is the lie?

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