Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Calling “How you gonna pay for it” a right wing talking point is exactly what’s scary about Bernie’s movement.

It depends. It is a right wing talking point when there is no sincerity behind it, i.e. the Republicans don’t sincerely care about cost and deficits when it’s time for military boondoggles or tax cuts for the wealthy so when they attack social programs on cost it’s usually strictly for cynical reasons not a genuine concern.


It’s also a right wing talking point in this case too because literally all the evidence shows that it will cost us LESS money.


Bloomberg at CNN townhall now. “Theres no I in team. That’s a joke I always like to make”. Rough quote. He is so bad at acting like a human.

Wake me up when someone asks a forever war candidate how were gonna pay for that, or asks Pete/Biden/Klob how were gonna pay for insurance companies which have zero reason to exist.

Worth the 20 mins :v: Seriously if only for the end.


:raising_hand_man: Bye



It’s a right wing talking point at its heart and in every single instance it is ever uttered. We rich are too poor to give money to you poors is what they are telling you. It’s a lie to bully you into accepting the heart of right wing agenda, which is redistributing wealth upward and it is always obviously a lie.

It’s also a bullshit question that means nothing, because the correct answer is always the same. We pay for X the same way we pay for literally everything, we borrow.
We pay for stuff by borrowing, we pay back those debts with taxes, or more debt. That’s how money works if you’re a nation that has its own currency.

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I teared up towards the end. It’s really crazy how fucked up this country is.


Man so iron coming out of retirement to deliver spectacularly bad takes is not something I saw coming


Biden absolutely roasted Trump in the CNN townhall so expect an incoming rage tweet as soon as Trump watches. You really have to see the whole clip because he gets asked a question on what he would do if he wins and Trump refuses to concede he responds and Cuomo asks him to speak directly to Trump so he looks into the camera destroys him again and I dunno I might have to vote Biden just to see them fight each other at the debates is all I’m saying.

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By “abused and mishandled the intelligence community”, do you mean the part where he removed all of the top people and replaced them with unqualified lackeys?


I’m fucking there.

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Hey, You forgot to let me know when Bernie visited Standing Rock? Still haven’t answered that.

He can FOAD. 94 year olds should have absolutely no influence regardless of how much money they have or have donated in the past.

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WTF is this shit