Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?



I regret I have but one like to give.


lol the Democrats in power would take away primaries if they could

I think we should push a strong social media message that Bernie supporters not vote if they fuck Bernie over


Does someone have a link to a good explanation as to how the rules were drawn up this year? I was under the impression that Bernie’s team had a say in how they were written/changed. Is that not true? Why are the superdelegates still a thing?

My understanding is that the superdelegates will vote in the second round of convention voting if no candidate gets 50%+1 in the first round. At this point in the 2016 primary, everyone was reporting the delegate count as Clinton 546, Bernie 42 because the superdelegates had pledged their support for her before any actual votes were cast. That has changed this time around.


LOL superdelegates. Lends a lot of credibility to the Democratic Party’s voting rights initiatives and their structural criticisms of the Electoral College and Senate.


How dare you! The shape of our democracy is the issue that affects every other issue!

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All the delegates are released from their responsibility (such as it is) after the first round. You can apply to Bernie’s campaign to become a pledged delegate for him. So, his pledged delegates should stick with him in the second round if he has a plurality. If he doesn’t have a majority, he will need someone else’s pledged delegates or some superdelegates to support him in the second round.

The whole system is obviously bullshit and pretending like two private organizations who each get to decide one of the two only viable options is anything like a democratic decision is absurd.

The Parties are monopolies and should be broken up. When the only two places in the world to shop are Amazon and Walmart everyone will see how that’s a problem, but only two companies to rule?


Yeah, this year there are 700-something superdelegates, but they don’t vote in the first round. There are something like 4500 pledged delegates. If Bernie doesn’t make 50% and the 2nd place person isn’t way behind, it will be the superdelegates who decide. If they are way behind, it’ll be other people’s pledged delegates too and that’s probably tomato/tomahto.

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I think we should push a social media message that Liz supporters not vote if they fuck Liz over.

Not really. Voting for someone other than your guy does not constitute fucking over.


You mean when Liz gets a plurality of the delegates, but doesn’t get the nomination? You think that’s likely? It certainly would be her getting fucked over if that happens.

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No I don’t think it’s likely that she’ll get a plurality.

One thing I learned following UK politics is that the woke lords there HATE allowing elections to be won with a plurality (first past the post). There are several systems to ensure that the man or woman who wins command the respect of a majority, like ranked choice voting or coalition governments.

Conventions requiring a majority is our version of ensuring that the nominee is someone most of the party can get behind. I mean, if the GOP had the 2016 Dem system with Super Delegates, Kasich or Cruz would have been the nominee.

I’m now going to search 2+2 to see if this is what I thought about Hillary.

First past the post sucks. But letting 5200 people decide if no one gets more than 50% is worse. If they were randomly selected primary voters or something it would be better.

Guys, I have returned from the future with this meme. We will get there :crossed_fingers:

ZomboMeme 27022020134101


By the way all the new polls today are terrible. At best PA/WI/NH are toss ups, and if Bernie isn’t the nominee we are likely losing 2/3 and then there’s no shot at winning.


Did the polls have Bernie crushing NV like he did?

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Iirc it was in the range. Polling for nevada caucus is notoriously bad, Nate et al. takes were all super hedged.

God damn Mogadishu-level murder rates In your city but yeah Chicago PD the real threat is Bernie Sanders. Worthless shitbag pigs.