Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

California Primary Voting TR - definitely some weirdness with the More button at the bottom. As someone who does this stuff for a living I’d estimate 5-10% of people will get very confused. It could lead to a bad vote.

Ted Lieu was below the more thingy. I actually didn’t notice it until I realized wait a minute - where’s Ted Lieu?

Bernie, some you will be happy to know, was above the first More button. I wonder is it randomized? That would make a lot of sense.

I talked to the volunteers there about it. They said there was a lawsuit and I should call a # to voice my concerns. I said if you just tell everyone to make sure to look for the More button as you hand them the ballot - it should be fine. But of course implementing that as a policy would probably be untenable, despite about 20 other mandatory hoops they obviously had to jump through and a ridiculous amount of handholding by the touchscreen app thingy (except the most important problem of course).

No electioneering within 100’ of a polling place. But Bloomberg can run ads throughout the debates.

And finally - California - such a hellhole - why would anyone want to live there?

Enjoy your 2 more months of slush and scraping ice off your windows suckers.


Evidently you think Standing Rock is in Washington DC.



Not sure where you’re getting that from.


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40 min, no response? Go fuck yourself, Trolly. If I’m a numbnuts then you are a dumbfuck of the highest order that trolls in the name of the Trail of Tears.

DrChesspain, your post really was illuminating, it is “weird” to actually be concerned about Native issues in this country.

Olink - you are posting some serious racist shit. Anything that originates from right wing media is just automatically disqualified? Say, maybe if we didn’t shit on Native Americans for their entire coexistence they’d have their own resources to investigate this kind of stuff. Certainly most of the left isn’t doing any work for them. You keep erasing the legitimate beefs they have. Calling them rubes? Disgusting.

Viridian - You did “slink” out of this thread and you’ve done everything in your power to muddy the issues when you’re in it.

What Elizabeth Warren did was bad. It was stupid. It was even uniquely stupid. Do y’all really think that saying that “jillions” of people have heard such a thing is actually good for her? It means that those jillions were smart enough to not talk about it their entire lives as a public figure. She’s a true dumbass, bare minimum.

A malicious dumbass? I have no way of knowing what is in her heart of hearts. But when it came time to stand with the people, Bernie was there. Warren wasn’t. She still tried to use it for political gain. Scumbag.

Have fun y’all

I voted Trump in the 2016 FL primary so y’all just keep doing y’all

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Yeah. My point is, this is an object lesson in effective concern trolling.

You weaponize a legitimate parochial concern, decent sympathetic people get concerned about it and get upset the rest the rest of us aren’t concerned enough. Then we fight while they pick our pockets.

Sure, maybe some NA activists are legitimately bothered by the cultural appropriation. Idk. Do you really think that’s really the most important issue to any native Americans? I doubt it. And that’s the only issue of their concern were hearing about, so who’s interest do you think that serves? To have the entirety of the Native American electrate’s issues ignored except for is Liz Warren really Cherokee enough? Theirs?

If they are bothered by the cultural appropriation that’s their prerogative as people. But when they’re voicing that concern now about an issue brought to their attention by their political enemies, they’re getting played I think. Unless they’re republicans too, idk, I don’t know any of them.

So yeah, this shit weaponize our better
instincts like compassion, and it’s time to stop taking it at face value. If the source of the thing you’re newly concerned about is your political opponents and you still believe it you’re getting played you rube.



Do you think the fact that Donald Trump calls the media “fake news” means that people on the left who criticize media are just repeating republican talking points?


I don’t care if it’s weird, how about that? Elizabeth Warren apologized for her behavior, meanwhile, you are still spreading the false right-wing trope that she used it to get into law school or get a job at Harvard or whatever. That was my only interest in this discussion.

I never visited Standing Rock. Did you? Do you know what government to government consultation is? How about the federal trust responsibility? How about Winter’s rights? Can you explain the problems with any of those things? Do you have any ideas how to fix them? Do you care? Or does the extent of your concern for and understanding of the challenges facing Native American sovereignty go no further than shouting #woke twitter slogans at strangers on an obscure message board?

I’m voting for Bernie, btw.

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When warren wrote her race as Indian was she 18? If so, this is even more pointless of a debate.

Yeah, if they’re blaming Warren for that, yes they’re rubes. Or republicans. Distinction without a difference.

OK I lold a little.


This is unforgivable, Trump-level lying:



One positive from Warren’s heel turn is I’ve learned what a head tax is.

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