Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

You’re right, it is a little weird to be actually concerned about Native issues (going to Standing Rock) instead of just paying them lip service (not going to Standing Rock, listing your race as American Indian on an application)

Literally nobody is saying that. They’re saying it’s weird and was a bad/wrong thing to do. For some reason some of you guys disagree and so the conversation keeps coming back.


I think this massively depends on the split. If it is 35% Sanders / 30% Biden / 25% Buttigieg there is a case that the primary voters want a moderate/centrist/establishment candidate. Maybe the same applies to 40/30/30. If it is 40/20/20/20 the plurality holder should clearly be the nominee.
We should also factor in number of states won and their importance for the electoral college.


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I’m voting for Sanders, numbnuts.

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Feingold as VP would be amazing.

That’s amazing, but I assume it’s not because he went to Standing Rock and Elizabeth Warren didn’t.

I remember when Nunnehi used to accuse me of spreading right wing talking points.

When you don’t have a substantive response, I guess it’s easier to stick your fingers in your ears and yell REPUBLICAN than to engage in any introspection.


Please keep erasing the legitimate concerns of Native Americans by framing this as a completely right wing issue.

Lumping this in with totally false stories that only echo across right wing smear sites is a total joke when it is in the news again today because more actual NA activists are not happy with how it has turned out.

I assure that that this idiotic nothingburger of a “scandal” hasn’t influenced my desicion one way or another.

Do you even have a clue what Standing Rock is and why its important that Bernie showed up there and Warren didn’t

hint: that’s not a part of this “scandal” its a real life indicator of which candidate would be better for Native Americans

If you want to continue this discussion you should open a separate thread. I am saying this as someone who mostly agrees with you on the issue.



The point of them is to grt picked up in the mainstream media so fous like you can be concerned about it. Like I said, if the concern started with native America activists, that would be one thing, but it didn’t. It started as a right wing identity policing concern troll. You think they’re interested in native America issues? It’s bollocks, you’re a rube if you’re taken in by it, including if youre a native American newly concerned about it. I get why they wouldn’t be cool with the cultural appropriation but they’re lining up to be used by their political enemies.
Solidarity against this bad faith bumfuckerry is the only answer, the sooner we all wise up to that the better.


Wait, are you still claiming Warren stole government funding by claiming NA heritage?

Try to keep up, child

Never did, and are you still claiming its not weird at all to write American Indian as your single race on that application?

Lmk when y’all figure out what Standing Rock is

those rube ass Native American activists worried about where 800 million dollars in stolen contracts went

To get back to actual reasons why Warren kinda sucks, here’s an article from Chapo Amber from way back in 2015. Some good stuff in there

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Standing Rock was horrible… That guy that does Status Coup-Jordan was covering it at TYT before he got poor emmy drunk and tried to Err, mixed reports on it but he got sacked.