Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Are you a registered Democrat? If so, you are probably good to go. If not, maybe you can do provisional there.

I think they call the CA Dem primary “semi-open”

They were off by 9 in midterms

I am

Democrats are so fucking bad at controlling the narrative. Why is the “But who’s going to pay for it?” burden of proof on the pro-UHC crowd?

Why isn’t it on the crowd that claims, w/o any evidence, that something which has worked for decades in every other first-world democracy (32 countries) - won’t work in the US? Why are they allowed to make sneering handwavy arguments on the flimsiest concepts like geography and homogeniety? Those aren’t arguments - they’re barely even ideas.

The burden of proof should be to show why UHC somehow can’t work in the US. Answers such as “too much corruption”, “healthcare industry too entrenched” are not allowed. That’s just admitting defeat before you even try.


It’s not and R/D issue. It’s because the media are held by a handful of huge corporations, and it is in their class interest for it to be this way. And the reporters etc. are rich enough things are actually fine for them, and they are hired in the first place because they believe deep down thd status quo is just fine.
So it’s not the distorting effect of a political party, its the distorting effect of too small a concentration of wealth.

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Lmk if this is a right wing attack or if her polling is too poor to point out that Elizabeth Warren is lying about the Medicare for all plan that she came up with to replace Bernies Medicare for all plan that she cosponsored in the Senate and claimed in a debate she was “with”


They should turn the “how are you going to pay for it” around, because exactly that question is on everybody’s uninsured minds when they get diagnosed with a disease in the us. You need UHC, so that nobody has to worry how they are going to pay for it.


Building a tent itt.

For the record. I didn’t “slink out.” Im still here. Your argument is dumb and not grounded in reality, and all it does is give underserved credibility to right wing trolls. The most likely explanation is that she actually believed she had NA heritage, as others have explained, it was quite common in Oklahoma. There is no evidence that Warren benefited from her claims that she was NA. If you think she secured a government contract because of such a claim, please show the evidence.

Well that’s going to change at some point. We may be at the tipping point.

They tell their kids that in Oklahoma cause they have no actual culture or history. It’s literally Indian tribes and Kevin Durant.

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Grapes of Wrath imo

Nicely skated! Just because people are told such a thing, or just because she believed it, doesn’t mean it’s not deeply weird to write “American Indian” as your sole race on an application, and that’s what Warren defenders won’t admit. It’s insane that “jillions” of people are told this common trope/lie/what have you, and she is the only person with this problem on the national stage.

That attests to how deeply weird it is to claim this heritage. It’s weird to defend it. People in this thread claim that there is no way to get any sort of advantage by claiming it, when actual natives taking issue with the practice are citing $800 million in stolen contracts. It’s weird! But Warren defenders will go out of their way to say it is not. Ok. They are deeply weird, just like her, and I’ll leave it at that.


I don’t think that having two old white people on the ticket is the way to go. Sanders’ age is a weakness and he needs to pick a younger VP.

Stepping away from the uninteresting Pocahontas crap, if the main criterion was: candidate who puts Dems in the best position to gain seats in the 2022 midterms, how would you adjust your rankings?

Because Dems can’t do much without the Senate and I’m not sure they get a majority in 2020, even with the best possible candidate helping down-ballot races. So, the best long-term choice might be whoever can build a movement over two years using the White House as a bully pulpit.

Well I’m never voting for someone who did a weird thing once.

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thats the sound of the goalpost moving

voting for warren makes a lot of sense if she’s our last hope, it makes zero sense when Bernie Sanders is in the race. If one cared one iota about native issues they’d be voting for the person who was at Standing Rock, not the person who assumed Native identity and wasn’t at Standing Rock.

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Dude, you keep perseverating about her being “weird.” How long will it take you to figure out that you are the odd one here.

How about doubling down on the Jewiness by trying to appeal to Wisconsin by nominating Russ Feingold, the Senator who voted against the Patriot Act? Sure, he lost in his rematch with Ron Johnson, but he would not be putting a seat in jeopardy like the idea of Tammy Baldwin as a running mate.